37. A Wedding To Remember

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The scene was angelic; pink and white flowers covered every surface of the ballroom. Candles lit up the walls and the large chandelier, and bathed the room in a golden light. Guests sat chattering on golden chairs either side of the aisle that led to the front of the room. The sunlight streamed in through the glass roof and lit a spotlight on the dejected King standing before his throne. His crown shone in the light and made him look more powerful and dangerous than ever. His large frame rose and fell as he took in deep breaths. He looked to his right to see the solemn faces of his beta, delta and brothers. Mateo clapped a reassuring hand on his shoulder with a look that asked if he was sure this was what he wanted to do. Xander knew he had run out of time and options. He was a man of his word and he would not break it now.

He felt his wolf rising to the surface in anger as the music swelled and the doors opened. He couldn't bare to turn around and face his future, he just wanted to pretend for a few moments more that he was not a king or an Alpha but just a normal man. He focused his eyes ahead at a blank part of the wall just past the Officiant. He heard 'oohs' and 'ahhs' as Britney made her way up the aisle.

Her dress was a strangely beautiful white mess of tulle with a long veil that trailed several metres behind her. She wore a delicate silver crown with pink and white flowers in her long and intricately braided brown hair. To all those that set their eyes upon her that day, there was no doubt in their mind that she looked the perfect Queen. But with her carefully crafted look of perfection, she carried an air of deceit. Her dress was too immaculate, her hair too pristine and her smile too practiced. Her beady eyes raked over the crowd as she stalked up the aisle, the veil distorting the look of hunger in her eyes. She was starving for their attention, and finally she would have it all. The world would now look to her. She daintily kissed her father Lord Pruitt on the cheek and took her place next to her husband-to-be.

Xander sensed her presence next to him but didn't make a move to acknowledge her. He heard the ceremony start but the Officiant's words were muffled and unclear. Xander continued to stare at the wall until he heard Mateo speaking to him.

"Alpha, she's talking to you," Mateo whispered.

Xander blinked and straightened his tie, he saw the officiant trembling slightly as he turned his focus to her.

"Please repeat after me you Majesty," she said, attempting to keep her voice steady, "I, Xander Emilio Valentine."

Xander dragged in a breath and prepared himself for his whole life to change.

"I-" before he could utter more than a word the large wooden doors swung open and an intoxicating scent hit him like a ton of bricks.

"WAIT," a familiar voice shouted.

He was vaguely aware of the entire audience gasping and turning around to ogle at the intruder, but all he saw was her, his mate. She was breathless and her hair was falling out of its bun and framing her face, but she had a look of determination and her eyes were bright and wild. The guards lining the walls sprung into action and held her back as she kicked and punched them. He watched somewhat amused as she sunk into a fighting stance and started throwing them around.

"Let her through," he bellowed across the room before she put all of his guards in the hospital.

"No! Don't let her through!" Britney screeched.

Tequila ignored her and made her way down the aisle, her eyes not leaving Xander's. His chest swelled with hope as she got closer and he felt everything change. He felt his senses heighten, his muscles got bigger, and he got slightly taller. She had accepted the mate bond. Alpha's became stronger and more powerful when their true mate accepts them as a sign that they can protect their mate and their pack from any harm. The shock of the guests intensified as they sensed the change in their King, and they eagerly watched the events unfolding.

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