9. New Year's Eve

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For the next five days, the Torrianto girls pretty much lived in various shops and boutiques. Tequila had complained many times that she would've just ordered a ball gown online but Harley had reminded her furiously that if she did so she would be a disgrace and she would never speak to her again. So instead, Kamryn and Tequila had been dragged around thirty shops by Harley and Naomi on the search for the perfect dresses. As it got closer to the night of the ball Tequila was so over dress shopping, she had seriously considered just turning up to the palace in her pyjamas and slippers.

She jumped when a loud clap brought her back into the large dress shop. The circular room was a calamity of long mirrors and drapes of various obnoxious patterns hanging from the ceiling haphazardly. She had cringed at the dresses that hung on display when they had walked in three hours ago. Of all the dresses that they had been ordered to try on, not one had been even vaguely normal.

"Okay are you ladies ready?" yelled one of the shop assistants behind her.

"No," Tequila grunted her hands tugging at the scarf they had forced around her eyes.

"I was born ready," Harley announced, she hadn't lost faith that they would find the right dresses.

"When can we go eat? I think I might die of starvation," Kamryn complained.

"Ugh I'm never going shopping with you two again," Harley stomped her foot angrily.

"I speak for both of us when I say do you promise?" exclaimed Tequila.

"Alright on 3!" Naomi had done a much better job of hiding her boredom than they had, "1, 2,"

"3!" finished Harley ripping of her blindfold as the assistants untied the ones around the others' heads.

Harley screamed and they all froze, identical looks of shock and horror painted on their faces. The shop assistants hadn't seemed to have got the message since they all looked at each other proudly.

Kamryn began to laugh and point at herself in the mirror whilst Harley started to cry dramatically.

"We look horrific!" said Kamryn, clutching her stomach as she shook from the force of her laughter.

"I think that might be an understatement," said Tequila as she took in the blue puffy monstrosity she was wearing. It had no shape and was just a mess of tulle and ribbons. "I look like I'm wearing a loofa," she laughed.

"We're never going to find our dresses in time! The ball is tomorrow night and we have nothing," Harley stepped closer to her mirror in horror. Her dress was a long sleeved full length pink dress with frills and a high neck. It was the sort of dress an old woman would've worn in the nineteenth century, not at all what Harley had been looking for, she was more the type to wear as little as possible.

"All we have are these pathetic excuses of dresses, they're an embarrassment to fashion!" she growled, pointing her finger at the assistants, their faces contorting into uneasiness.

"Are you crying Harley? Over dresses?" Tequila joined Kamryn as they both clung onto each other with tears of laughter in their eyes.

Naomi rolled her eyes at them and walked over to Harley to comfort her, "Harley stop crying sweetheart, it's not the end of the world," she put on her best soothing mother voice and stroked her hair softly, "we'll find the perfect dresses in time and I'm sure they'll be better than you could've ever dreamed of. Everything's going to be okay, you'll see."

Harley sniffed and smoothed down the front of her ugly dress and wiped the mascara from under her eyes. The girls were used to seeing her have a tantrum over clothes; she took fashion very seriously.

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