31. The Other Side

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The morning sun rose up over the trees as Ramona and Andi set off once again into the thick forests of the Carpathian mountains. Andi started to feel a pull to something also moving through the trees, yet she couldn't put her finger on who or what it was. She suddenly felt as though she knew exactly where to go. After about three hours they came to a tree that looked as though it would be better placed in a fairytale. Somewhere at the back of her mind, Andi felt as though she'd been there before. She walked up to the tree and placed her hand on its trunk, looking up into its green canopy. A blurry image swam in her mind and she saw herself looking upon a scene from twenty-six years ago. She watched as her mother stood where she did now, a bundle of blankets cradled in her arms.

"Iliana, you're back!" the voice of an ageless Lightning rang out through the forest as she ran towards the woman and baby.

"Lightning, Thunder it's good to see you again. I'm glad to see you survived," her voice was full of sadness as she greeted her old friends, "Thank you for meeting me."

"How can we help," said Thunder, as serious as ever. Lightning took the baby from her arms and cooed at her.

"The prophecy I wrote to you about, he found out about it. I'm scared of what he'll do, he's always been so power hungry. I have to protect my daughters," her voice broke slightly as she looked longingly at the tiny baby.

"I need you to keep Andreea far away from him. Raise her to be strong and good-hearted, but she must've known who she is until her eighteenth birthday."

"What about her twin?" Lightning said sadly.

"Everyone must think that Andreea is dead, even her sister. It's the only way. The prophecy can only be fulfilled when they are together, so we must keep them apart for as long as we can."

"We'll take good care of her, I promise. One day that little girl will be reunited with you, and she will do you proud."

"I am forever in your debt, thank you. Give her this necklace, it is identical to the one her siblings wear."

Iliana placed a delicate silver chain with a ring attached, into Thunder's palm. She lovingly kissed the forehead of the baby, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Until we meet again, my little one."

Iliana smiled weakly at the two witches then held up her hand, and within moments she had disappeared with a loud pop.

"What now?" Lightning said unnerved from the encounter. The baby babbled innocently in her arms, unaware of the danger she could be to the world.

"We raise the girl who will save us all," Thunder said matter-of-factly.

The scene faded away in Andi's mind and she was brought back to her present. She touched her cheek to find a tear slowly rolling down.

"I think we're nearly there," she said brushing away the moment. Ramona had seen everything through the mate bond and she watched her mate with concern. Andi wasn't the type to speak of her emotions but Ramona worried that she was burying it all too deep.


Across the woods, Tequila continued her trek through the trees. Since they'd set off early that morning, she'd led the group. She had a feeling that she already knew the way, every turn they took or trail they followed simply felt right. Eventually they arrived in a clearing with a large tree. It oozed magic and she felt a feeling of power and familiarity wash over her. She felt the presence of someone she was supposed to know but didn't. It made her feel whole, like a missing part of her had been found. She was now more determined than ever to find her mother's tomb.

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