27. Thunder and Lightning

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Several days ago, deep in the forests of Maine, a pale woman with white hair and icy blue eyes pushed open the enchanted wooden door to a cottage.

"What's the urgent matter you need me for?" she said to the two identical women sat in the cold interior.

Though the room was unwelcoming, to her it was familiar. She had learnt to walk on the stony and unforgiving floor and she'd memorised every spell in the thick books on the shelves. Witches weren't known for enjoying comfort, and these witches weren't any different. They had long ago dedicated their lives as servants of the Moon Goddess, mortal things such as possessions were of no interest to them. They were identical in every way; their skin slightly glowed grey to match their stormy eyes, but Lightning had hair of the purest yellow it almost glowed gold and Thunder's was a black that in some lights looked blue. Lightning smiled brightly at the girl they had raised as she walked through the door, but Thunder's eyes stayed shut tightly.

"It is time." Lightning said indicating the chair opposite them.

She sat down unbothered, growing up with witches had made her used to their dramatic way of speaking. They often spoke in riddles. Thunder suddenly snapped shut the book that had been lying unread in her lap. Her grey eyes found the girl's blue ones and the air sparked with magic.

"We have received our order from above that it is time to find her."

The girl gasped slightly at Thunder's words. Since she was a child her guardians had been preparing her for this day, but she never truly expected it to come.

"We need you blood for the spell, Andreea," Lightning said reassuringly.

Andreea nodded slowly and slid out the knife strapped to her thigh. She let the blood from her palm drip into a wooden bowl and watched as the two witches started chanting. The sky above the cottage grew dark and the clouds crackled with electricity. Nature was alive with anticipation, and far away in another realm an old woman with a youthful face watched the storm brew outside her window. Finally they would be reminded of her power.

"What's wrong?" Andi whispered as the lights in the cottage went out and the witches looked at each other, their faces as emotionless as always.

"She's looking for Iris," said Thunder.

"Well what are we waiting for, we know exactly where she's going," Lightning said excitedly.

"Lower your expectations, she might not want anything to do with the prophecy."

"The Goddess chose her for a reason Thunder. Why else would she be seeking Iris?"

"You know I would never doubt the Moon Goddess' actions," Thunder looked at her twin offended.

Andi and Lightning exchanged looks of suppressed laughter as Thunder took their hands in hers. The three women began to chant and within moments the cottage was empty. The cold dark room bared no signs that they were ever there at all.


As she stormed away from Xander's office, Tequila barely registered the footsteps catching up to her.

"Tequila wait up!" a breathless Dante called after her.

She spun around to face him, her eyes clouded in anger, and he took a step back.

"I think after the conversation we just had we need to find Iris now."

"Now?" she thought for a moment, the anger still coming off of her in waves.

"Yeah okay, I've got no plans for the day," she shrugged casually and led him down to the garages.

Just as the vampire had said, by the time they arrived it was late afternoon. They had driven through forests with small hidden villages and along winding roads.

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