34. Betrayal

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On a cold and rainy night in New York City, Abaddon Adler sat in his usual booth surrounded by his guards and a cloud of cigarette smoke. He swirled the amber liquid in the glass in front of him as a man nervously slipped into the seat opposite him.

"What's this about, Adler?" the man said in a thick English accent.

Adler looked up as an expensively dressed woman parted the wall of guards and sat next to the man. He had got to know them both very well of the last months, but he was far from liking them. He thought they were conceited and naïve, but unfortunately they were useful so he kept them around. The man was Dario Birtwistle-Terris, the Regent for Europe and supposedly one of the King's most trusted men. He had been recruited to their cause to replace James Tremblay after Psycho had murdered him. Abaddon didn't know Dario's grievances with the King and neither did he care, so long as he helped them he had no problem with him. The woman with him was Chanel who was pretending to be best friends with Britney Pruitt. She was secretly a member of the Angeli Mortis pack and had discovered she was mates with Dario when she had begun her ruse at the Red Moon Pack. They were both crucial players in his plan to take down the King, even more so because no one in the royal pack suspected their involvement in the slightest.

"Good you're both here," Abaddon said in a bored voice, "We're attacking tonight."

"Tonight? Why? The King isn't even in the country. I though the plan was to kill him," Dario shifted uncomfortably under Abaddon's glare.

"I've decided to add another step to the plan. Everything will be explained, we're just waiting for someone." Abaddon said, ending the conversation.

Dario and Chanel left the booth and walked over to the bar where Hadeon spoke quietly with his beta Seth.

"Hadeon," Dario greeted him.

"Dario," Hadeon responded with a nod.

Abaddon drained his glass and went over to join them. They exchanged a few words as more people began to fill the bar and eventually a woman with pink hair and the same unnatural golden eyes as Abaddon walked through the door. The crowd of gang members parted as she walked straight towards the bar.

"Ah finally, I was beginning to think you'd switched sides," Abaddon said to her, the shadow of a smile on his lips.

"You wish," she smirked at her brother.

"Is everything in order?" he asked her.

"I've organised loose security for the Seven Serpents' weapons drop tonight. We'll have no trouble getting past them," she said confidently.

She walked over to Seth and they embraced lovingly. Alice and Seth had found they were mates several years ago when she was on the run from the Red Moon Pack. Together they had a son Samuel, named after her father; the former leader of the Golden Skulls. She had been careful to throw the royal wolves that trailed her off the scent of her mate. As far as the royals knew she was a rogue single mother who spent her days running from the King. They couldn't be further from the truth.

"Attention everyone," Abaddon's commanding voice cut through the crowd, stopping all conversations, and turning all heads to face him. "As you are all aware, we've been brought together over a common goal; killing the King of werewolves."

Cheers and claps erupted from the crowd and Abaddon put up a hand to silence them.

"Tonight we have an opportunity that we'll only have once, so I've decided we're going to take it. Dario and Chanel have just arrived from the palace, where tonight there is only the former King and Queen and only a few other guests of minor importance. Therefore, the security will be more relaxed than if the King himself were in residence. This gives us the perfect opportunity to attack."

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