7. The King

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Walking back into the penthouse, she'd expected to be greeted with the usual commotion of everyone going about their day. Instead she found only Harley scrolling through her phone horrified.

"What's so shocking?" Tequila asked her curiously.

"Oh hey! Where've you been?" Harley looked up surprised.

"I went for a run" Tequila shrugged,

"Damn, you must've left seriously early" Harley looked disgusted at her sister-in-law.

"Yeah, I went to see the sunrise" said Tequila laughing.

"Eww no that's way to early" Harley smacked a hand to her mouth in mock-horror.

Tequila rolled her eyes theatrically at her.

"So anyway what's got you so surprised?"

"Oh! On my phone! Well I felt really bad for yesterday, so I was looking at the best spas in the area" she shoved the phone in Tequila's face, pointing at the scree, "but their prices are daylight robbery!"

Tequila laughed at Harley's concern; they both knew very well that neither of them needed to worry about money.

"Anyway, I thought we could treat Naomi to a girls' day! It would help relax her since she's, you know, preggers" Harley whispered the last word dramatically.

Tequila faked surprise and Harley's reveal. She knew Harley wanted to be the first to know, she loved secrets and loved revealing them even more. She was absolutely the worst person to confide in.

"I may have gone into her bathroom to borrow some tampons and saw a positive pregnancy test on the side" she said gleefully.

"Well, I definitely agree on the spa day! But don't tell anyone about the baby, okay?" Tequila knew it was a hopeless request, but she thought she'd at least try.

"Cool, I'll text Naomi and Kam" Harley didn't even acknowledge she was meant to keep the secret, "be in the lobby in an hour" she wagged her finger at Tequila.

"Yes ma'am" she said mocking her sudden seriousness and walked away.


An hour later, Tequila and Kamryn were stood chatting animatedly in the glorious hotel lobby. Naomi and Harley approached them with nervous looks on their faces.

"Okay we're here and I've left Quinn in the hands of the boys" she said awkwardly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Naomi? You know she has them all wrapped around her tiny finger," Tequila chuckled, knowing perfectly well that her brother didn't stand a chance against the four year old.

"Oh I'm sure they'll be fine" she said trying to convince herself as much as the others.

The girls laughed as they walked out to the front of the hotel. They ignored the usual stares and whispers as the climbed gracefully into a long black limo.


Back in the hotel, in a bedroom decorated floor to ceiling in pink a small girl with curly black hair and a pink tutu sat on her bed contemplating her problem.

"I really wanna play princesses, but mama and aunties went out so who can I play with?" she spoke to the council of soft toys laid out in front of her.

"Thank you Tony that's a great idea!" she jumped up to hug the big blue bear.

She turned to face the door and screamed an ear-shattering scream.


She then crossed back to her bed and sat with a big grin on her face, waiting for the storm to arrive.

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