11. Soulmates

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'Well, that that was rude," Tequila spoke louder than Tobias would've liked but she wasn't bothered, in fact she was fuming.

"I'm so sorry, he must be preoccupied by something."

Tequila rolled her eyes, unimpressed by Axel's pathetic excuse on the King's behalf.

A short, golden-haired woman dressed in turquoise and silver silk floated towards them from her place beside her son's throne.

"I hope you were planning on introducing us dear," she placed a delicate hand on Axel's shoulder, looking at him like a mother would her son.

"Of course, my apologies," he grinned at her, "everyone this is the Queen Mother, Adele."

"How wonderful to meet you all, I've heard a lot about you from dear Axel," she beamed at them, her smile reaching her golden eyes.

"Let me introduce you to my husband, Laszlo," she turned to the man who looked like a shorter version of the King walking towards her.

"It's great to finally meet Axel's mate and his family," he put his arm around her protectively and smiled at them, though his didn't reach his cold, violet eyes. A trait that clearly ran in the family.

Three more regally dressed wolves, all seemingly in their twenties, approached them from beside the throne. They looked at the rogues with similar looks of disdain as the King.

"These are our children, Dante, Nova and Javier, and, well you've met our eldest, and apparently rudest son, Xander," Adele rolled her eyes in a rather un-Queen like fashion which made Tequila immediately like her.

Other than his violet eyes, Dante was the only one of the royal children who didn't look like his father. Instead, he had his mother's golden hair and tanned skin, and her many freckles. He seemed uncomfortable with being in a room with so many strangers. He had smiled shyly at them when he was introduced but it was clear to Tequila that he would rather be in a dark corner devouring the pages of the ancient-looking book he held in his hand. His brother and sister, on the other hand, had displayed their own versions of their father's half-hearted smile. Like Xander, they were carbon copies of each other, with their jet-black hair, violet eyes, and olive skin. The daughter, Nova, wore a tight-fitted dark red dress and layers of silver necklaces that matched her circlet. The low-cut front of her dress displayed the rose vine tattoo stretched across her chest. She had her hair styled in a sleek bob which brushed her collar bones. To Tequila she looked formidable and fierce, it almost made her want to be friends with her. Almost. Her twin brother, Javier, was the same height, and strong build as Xander. In fact, if it wasn't for his cropped hair, mischievous smile, and lack of piercings, he could be easily mistaken for his brother.

"We also have our Beta, Mateo, who is mated to Nova," she gently pulled the last family member forward by the arm. He had been very obviously trying to avoid any contact with the group of rogues, but unfortunately for him, Adele had had other plans.

Mateo was dark-skinned, with dark-brown hair and matching eyes. As the second most-powerful man in the room, he too was of a massive build and towered over them all. Tequila wondered what water these men drank to all be so unrealistically muscular and tall. Not that her brothers didn't have a similar build, most wolves were naturally like that, but the royal wolves were on a level of their own. She also noticed that they all wore various coloured circlets. The former King and Queen wore gold ones, and their children wore silver, whilst the Beta and Delta wore bronze circlets. The King, of course, wore a heavy-looking golden crown.

"Well I think that's everyone," Adele clapped her hands together as if she had just completed some arduous task. She looked around at her children and husband still sporting their menacing looks and let out a slight sigh of disappointment before re-applying her immaculate smile.

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