41. Monster Against Monster

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"Tyrone," Axel said soothingly, "Talk to me."

After Xander had announced Tyrone's family were no longer welcome on Red Moon territory, Axel and Tyrone had retreated to their room. They had always known there was a danger they would be torn apart by their rival families, but they had never planned for the day it would happen.

"She's my sister Axel, we're all she has. I have to protect her."

"What are you saying Ty? I know Xander banished you all from the pack but you're my mate, I'll talk to him," Axel said desperately.

"I'll never leave you Axel," Tyrone said put his mate's hand over his heart, "You're the only one for me. But I have to find her, I have to choose her."

Axel took a deep breath and hung his head, "And I have to choose my Alpha."

They held onto each other in silence, as though if they broke apart they would never embrace again.

"So where does this leave us?" Axel mumbled into Tyrone's chest.

"We're soulmates, nothing will ever come between us. We're just going to disagree on a lot of things for a while."

They stayed like that, wrapped in each other's arms, no words left to say, until Axel was summoned by his Alpha.

"Never forget that I'll always love you Axel Rodriguez."


The problem with Hadeon Torrianto is that he never keeps his word. At his core he is a dishonourable man.

He uses people.

Just when someone might think they're safe and can trust him, he finds a use for them. Most people who become useful to Hadeon Torrianto don't survive.

Chanel Miller was one of those people. Now, she would never be able to show her face again or the royal pack would kill her.

Alice Adler would never leave the palace cells.

Dario Birtwistle-Terris would be beheaded for treason.

Abaddon Adler would be hunted for being the leader of the Golden Skulls and a cross breed between wolf and hunter.

James Tremblay has unknowingly given his life to allow Hadeon to take his place as Regent.

They had served their purpose.

Now Adele Valentine was useful. She was one of the few people the King would burn the world to the ground for. She was also the best friend of Tequila's mother, if there was anything Iliana had kept from her husband, Adele definitely knew. But most of all she would make Tequila look undeniably guilty.

Psycho hadn't finished being useful to Hadeon.

A week after Tequila's true identity had been revealed, Adele found herself lying on a lumpy bed with a splitting headache.

Last she could remember, Laszlo had been beckoned away by their son for some advice about pack security, and she slipped into a blissful sleep in their bedroom in the Red Moon palace. But when she peaked at the room she now lay in, a sinking feeling of fear washed over her and her eyes flew open wide.

"What in the world?" she yelled.

"Congratulations!" an upbeat voice said from a chair in the corner, "You've made it to hell."

Adele blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. She saw the young woman sitting relaxed in an old chair. Her clothes were tatted and crumpled and the faded green dye barely covered the natural silver of her hair.

"Talayah?" she said in surprise.

"You remember me," Tequila said, her voice thick with longing.

"I wouldn't forget my son's mate," Adele said softly.

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