17. Power Games

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Xander found himself once again calling the Crescent council to meet for the third time that month. He looked down that table at the wolves watching him expectantly ad took a deep breath.

"I am aware it is only a few days since James' death, but we must elect a new Regent for North America. It is unsafe to leave the role unoccupied for too long so a decision must be reached today. Now, in his will James stated who he would like to replace him."

"Can he even do that?" Ermenilda scoffed.

"The man in question is Hadeon," Xander ignored her, "he is the Alpha of the second largest pack in the world, the Angeli Mortis pack."

"Angeli Mortis is latin for 'angel of death'," Chika said absentmindedly.

"His pack spreads over many countries and continents, but the majority of his wolves live in America, where he is based. He has a legion of dangerous but fiercely loyal wolves who lead his packs in the other countries."

Xander eyes them all to gage their reaction and was met with several angry glares.

"We are all aware that in the past there have been many investigations into the methods with which the Angeli Mortis have acquired their power. However, since no incriminating discoveries were made, Hadeon remains a legitimate candidate for Regent."

"Oh that is ridiculous. You know damn well as us that the only reasons nothing was ever found was because he threatened the accusers. That man is about as innocent as the devil himself," Ermenilda said viciously.

"Whether that is true or not, we have no concrete proof to back up any of the allegations," Xander responded calmly.

"This man has been accused of murder several times, we can't just give him more power to carry on by making him regent! For the safety of wolves everywhere, I am wholeheartedly against this proposal," Abeo stated.

"Royal protocol states that the previous regent must put forward a candidate and the other regents must vote on that candidate. James elected Hadeon as his successor therefore we must respect his wished and take a vote. Furthermore, only the six remaining regents, the Betas and the Delta may vote, the King must remain impartial and instead oversee the appointment," said Chika.

"Thank you, Chika. So, all those in favour of Hadeon becoming the new Regent for North America?" Xander watched as Dario's hand shot into the air whilst Mateo, Axel, Chika, and Colden raised their hands somewhat apprehensively.

"I don't know how you all sleep at night," Ermenilda growled at them.

"And those against," said Xander, sounding bored.

Ermenilda, Abeo and Rongo raised their hands already knowing their fate.

"As it is a clear majority, allow me to introduce the newly appointed Regent for North America, Hadeon Torrianto," Xander motioned towards the door as a fifty-something, grey-haired man with pale blue eyes and a sharp jaw entered the room. His aura wasn't as powerful as the other Alphas in the room, but he held himself with a confidence that made it seem as if he was the most powerful man in the world. His smile was more of a smirk, and it didn't reach his eyes. They were cold and empty, as if he'd never known happiness.

"I am honoured your majesty," he said coldly, barely bowing.

He strolled over to the empty chair next to Dario and greeted him like an old friend, then turned to the King who was eyeing him suspiciously.

"I hope I will not disappoint you my King," he said earnestly, but to many in the room it could be seen his words were in no way genuine.


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