18. A little crazy

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Tequila stormed into Kamryn's room and declared that they deserved a night out. Of course, Kamryn enthusiastically agreed and a few hours later they were strutting through the doors of an underground club, another club owned by the Seven Serpents. It was called 'Secrets' and any guest had to cover their eyes in some way, most wore sunglasses, to make it harder to recognise each other. It was often frequented by celebrities who wanted to escape the public eye for a night. Perfect for a serial killer in hiding, Tequila thought as she wandered over to the bar. She was wearing a turquoise low cute strappy dress with a matching turquoise visor and black thigh high boots. Kamryn was wearing a similar look but with a gold visor and a yellow and black cheetah print dress. They both ordered drinks and sat on the stools at the bar chatting and giggling about nonsense.

On the other side of the bar Nova and Ermenilda were eyeing the two girls opposite them suspiciously as they sipped their cocktails.

"Are you okay?" Ermenilda asked her.

"I know those two women over there, but I just can't place them," Nova said squinting through her purple sunglasses.

"Hmm, I don't know. Where do you think you've seen them?" said Ermenilda, more focused on her drink.

"That's Tyrone's sister!" Nova suddenly exclaimed.

"Torrianto's daughter?" Ermenilda said, looking up, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Yeah, but as far as I know they haven't been in contact for years," Nova shrugged.

"Yet another suspicious thing about that man," Ermenilda scowled.

"You really don't trust him do you," Nova said, turning to face her.

"There's something not right about him, and I'm going to find out what it is," Ermenilda said, her green eyes glowing.

"Now I'll drink to that!" Nova said clinking glasses.

"We really should go say hi though, I haven't seen those girls in over a year," Nova said grabbing her drink and leading Ermenilda round the bar.

"Nova! It's been ages, how are you?" Kamryn exclaimed when she spotted them.

"I'm great!" Nova replied, "I don't think you've met Ermenilda," she said cheerfully brushing past the glare Tequila was directing at her.

"Hello," Ermenilda said simply, a polite smile on her face, but her eyes seemed to hold a knowing look as she watched Tequila.

"She's a Regent," Nova said as if it was a state secret.

"One who voted against my father I hope," Tequila scowled.

"And I'd do it again," Ermenilda nodded.

"Good," Tequila's demeanour immediately changed, and she smiled at Ermenilda.

"Ok ladies that's not a very happy topic for a club," Kamryn laughed nervously.

"I agree, how about we hit the dancefloor!" Nova grabbed Kamryn by the wrist and dragged her out into the crowd of people in the centre of the room.

Ermenilda walked closer to Tequila until she was close enough that only Tequila would hear her whisper.

"I just wanted to say thank you," she said.

"For what?" Tequila replied in the same whisper.

"For removing a danger to wolves."

"You mean J-" Ermenilda couldn't see the wide, fearful eyes behind Tequila's sunglasses.

"Yes," she said as if she hadn't just exposed her.

"How did you know?" Tequila growled quietly.

"I saw you at the funeral. That and I haven't been blinded by my ego," she said taking a sip from her drink, "it's quite clever."

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