20. Blast from the Past

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"He hasn't said anything for fifteen minutes," said Ermenilda, "should we leave him alone?"

"This is what he does when he's processing, give him a few minutes," yawned Javier.

After what felt to them like hours, Xander finally spoke.

"Tyrone call your siblings. It seems your sister and I need to have a little chat."

Without another word he stormed out of the room, slamming doors as he went.

"You need to have a word with your son about that temper of his," Adele said pointedly to her husband.

"Why me?"

"Because you're the one he's got it from," she followed Xander out of the room, her long dressing gown sweeping dramatically behind her.

Laszlo bid them all goodnight and followed his mate back to bed for the remaining few hours that were left of the night. A dull daylight was already pouring through the windows.

"You couldn't have kept this all to yourself Dante?" Javier yawned.

"Whether we tell her or not, destiny will always find a way. This prophecy will be fulfilled, no matter what mortals like us do," Dante replied with a sigh.

"Well we can save the world tomorrow," Nova said, grabbing Mateo's hand and dragging him out of the room. Ermenilda and Javier close behind them.

"I'm sorry this is the way you've found out about your mother, Tyrone," said Dante.

"Don't be. I would've found out eventually. But I'm not sure how Tequila will react. Knowing she's been prophesised to steal Xander's throne? Who knows what she'll do with that information," said Tyrone, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Do you think she will do it?" said Dante.

"We've always known she was meant for something more. Her strength is beyond anything I've ever heard of. I'd say she's certainly capable," Dante shrugged.

"I don't know whether to be concerned or intrigued," said Axel.

"I agree," replied Dante.

Across the woods and deep in the city, Tequila lay awake staring at the ceiling. She was replaying her phone call with her brother over and over in her head.

"Why would the King need to see my brothers and I so urgently? We don't have any business with him. Tyrone sounded stressed."

"Hush we're going to see mate," Athena whined in her head.

"Oh please don't start this again, right now he is not our priority."

"When is he ever?" her wolf growled back.

Giving up on sleep she crept outside and settled for some light chain smoking instead.

That afternoon, the most trusted of the Seven Serpents wound their way through the trees on sleek black bikes, the Red Moon Palace standing ominously against a grey sky in front of them. Tequila's chest was tight with emotions, and for once in a long time, fear might've even been one of them.

She sauntered in through the huge ornate doors, nodding to the guards as she passed. Some of them scowled but several lowered their eyes. She was used to having that effect on people, particularly wolves. She'd been told by her brothers the powerful aura she emitted, it meant most couldn't look her in the eye.

"Well look what the dog dragged in," an almost musical voice said.

She snapped out of her thoughts and eyed the three women standing in her way through the foyer. She recognised the middle one as Britney, the King's fiancé, and the other two she assumed must be her minions. For it's known to be the rule; a mean girl just must have her minions. In Tequila's opinion, they looked ridiculous. Dressed in various combinations of furs, silk and shades of pink. Not to mention the perfectly immaculate hair that must've taken half the day to put in place.

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