1. The Rich and Famous

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Two gunshots rang out on the dark casino rooftop. Just more noise lost in the loud hustle and bustle of New York city on a Saturday night. A petite woman dressed head-to-toe in black stepped daintily over the two large bodies lying cold at the top of the sky rise. She was distinguishable only by her blood red eyes, pure white hair and the trail of dead bodies she left in her midst. As she ran down the emergency stairs to the first floor, she had no second thoughts for the lives she'd just ended. Tonight, her priority was stealing a priceless ruby necklace.

"Hey! You're not allowed back here!" A man bellowed from the other end of the dark corridor.

"You know I really shouldn't be allowed anywhere."

She giggled mischievously as she expertly pointed her gun at the five guards striding towards her.



Two of the men went crashing to the ground face first.

"I have a tendency-"


"for hurting people."


"You're not just hurting them, you're killing them!"

She turned to face the last man as if offended by what he'd said.

"Potato, potato." She shrugged, flashed a wicked smile and held her gun to his forehead.


"I really hate the chatty ones." She sighed wiping a drop of blood from her cheek.

She weaved her way through the maze of corridors arriving at two big metal doors signalling the entrance to the casino floor.

That evening there was an auction attended only by the rich and famous. In fact, one of her own brothers was sitting in the front row joined by another generic date hanging off his arm. Naturally he was perfectly well aware of what his sister was doing but this was her heist and he'd been told very threateningly not to interfere. Though he was her favourite brother, Tiger knew better than to go against his sister.

She slipped discreetly into the back of the casino floor suddenly very aware of her sleek but sinister black attire as it stood out against all the brightly coloured and bejewelled outfits of the guests.

"Hmm so maybe I'm a bit out of place." She thought to herself as she tapped a slender finger to her lips.

"You're always out of place, you have green hair." Her inner-wolf Athena pointed out bluntly.

As she spied a woman of around the same build as her, Tiger wandered over to her corner.

"I'm so glad to see you T, I just ditched my date, she was unbelievably boring." He huffed with his hands on his hips realising his sister hadn't even noticed him. "What's going through that crazy mind of yours little sis?"

"She'll do." Was her only acknowledgment of his presence and before he could answer she had followed the woman into the bathroom.

"You know what I'd rather not know." Tiger muttered to himself amused.

The bathrooms were just as exquisite as the casino floor with gold on every possible surface. The woman rolled her eyes as she saw her approaching her in the mirror and her eyes widened as she realised she was covered in blood.

"I thought this place had bouncers to keep out the riff raff." The woman did a poor job of keeping her fear out of her voice.

"Says the one wearing that horrid bow in her hair." She paused as the woman spun around to look at her accusingly. "I'm going to need to borrow your dress." she then stated matter-of-factly.

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