13. Family

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It had been eleven months since the ball had that had changed Tequila's life and now it was almost Christmas. The entire Torrianto family plus a few extras had gathered on their private island in the Caribbean. A recent addition to their collection of luxurious assets.

In the last year Tequila had focused purely on her family and her gang. She hadn't heard a single thing from the royal pack, least of all the King, since that fateful night, so she considered all to be well. A few days after she had discovered her mark she revealed it to her family and pretended that it was just another tattoo that she had got spontaneously. Naturally they were a sceptical at first, since the tattoo looked very much like a mark would, but luckily they didn't ask any questions. They knew that one day, when she was ready, she'd tell them the truth, but for now she was going to do the healthy thing and avoid it for as long as she could.

The next day was to be Kamryn and Tariq's wedding. Although they'd got engaged almost a year ago they couldn't decide on if they wanted a big or small wedding, but in the end they had decided on a private ceremony on the beach. Kamryn had planned the most exquisite ceremony and it was expected to be breath taking.

That night though was Kamryn's bachelorette party and as her maid of honour Tequila had planned for them to take the family's yacht to one of the neighbouring islands to check out the club scene.

Naomi stood in the centre of the large house's lounge area clutching a swaddled baby in her arm. Harley, Demi and Ash were huddled around her cooing at the new addition to the family.

Tequila sauntered into the room, her hair braided in two long braids with extensions that matched her bright green hair and a pink and black leopard print dress that clung to her toned body. She walked over to the huddle just as Naomi left the room with the now crying infant.

"Where's Naomi going?" she asked, adjusting her black choker.

"To put Melody to sleep and give the nanny some tips on getting Quinn to actually listen," Harley informed her.

"Oh well she's really going to need those, not that it'll work," Tequila chuckled. Her niece really was something else.

She walked over to where Lottie and Aella were chatting on the sofa and joined them whilst they all waited for the bride to make an appearance.

"I'm ready to partyyyyy!" announced Kamryn as she strutted in, a short low-cut halter neck white dress swishing as she swung her hips.

"Well then let's not keep the bride waiting any longer," said Naomi as she re-entered the room, this time baby-free.

The girls spent the night making the most of not having any responsibilities for a few bittersweet hours. Tequila was finally relaxed as she forgot about everything else and had fun with the women she considered to be her sisters. She dreaded the night ending and the new realities with which she'd had to come to terms with within the last year come crashing back to her. Most of all she dreaded having to return home and face the constant fear that she might run into her mate and be forced to reject him. Although she would never accept him, she didn't think neither her nor her wolf were strong enough to face him, and she was the strongest wolf alive.


The next morning Tequila woke up sprawled out in a tangle of heels and dresses. She turned to see Kamryn snoring to her right and Demi lying across the foot of the four-poster bed. Tequila laughed to herself as she thought Demi was doing a fabulous impression of a maiden swooning before her prince. However he was nowhere to be found and was probably already lying lazily by the pool. Demi had discovered a few weeks ago that she was mates with Tiger, and although at first Tequila was scared he might annoy her into leaving, she later realised they were actually quite perfect together.

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