29. Deam Domum Dei

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In the cosy loft bedroom of a cabin, Andreea awoke abruptly from a dream that had shaken her. She had seen her and her sister's wolves in simple white dresses listening as her mother spoke of their destiny. Far away in the palace of royal werewolves, her sister was waking from the same dream. Tequila's bare feet pattered along the cold marble of the palace floors as she ran through the corridors towards the family wing. She didn't give a second look as she snuck past Xander's door and crept into Dante's room.

"Dante." she whispered in the dark.

"No no don't hurt the books." Dante muttered in his sleep.

"Seriously?" she said slapping him awake.

"Ow what the hell Tequila!"

"Don't hurt the books?" she said laughing.

"Go away intruder I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." he grunted.

"Well then it's a lost cause anyway, budge over." she pulled open the covers and slipped in beside him.

"I hate you." he said closing his eyes.

"Anger doesn't suit you."

"What do you want?"

"Do you have any idea what 'deam domum dei' means?"

Dante's eyes flew open and he sat up abruptly. He stared at her unblinking as she slowly sat up too.

"Please yell me I heard you incorrectly." he whispered.

"That bad huh?"

"It's not so much bad as simply a lost cause."


"It's not real Tequila.".

"What is it?"

"It's not what, it's where. It means 'Home of the Goddess'. It's a place that no one knows if it even exists, and if they do no one knows how to find it."

"So that's it? That's the clue my mother gave me?"

"You saw your mother?" Dante's eyebrows were at risk of getting lost in his hair.

"Only in a dream." Tequila shrugged as if seeing her dead mother in a dream that felt all too real wasn't anything of concern. "She was in the tomb you visited in Romania. Actually, I think maybe she was showing me the way to Deam Domum Dei."

"Please tell me this is a joke. You think you know how to get to Deam Domum Dei? After centuries of supernatural historians have spent their lives failing to discover this other dimension. You?"

"I don't know why you doubt my intelligence."

"I need to do some research. You were probably drunk and conjured this up in your imagination."

"Hey!" Tequila said offended.

"You're really telling me you think this dream was real? I mean you had a sister in it! Do you believe that was true?"

"I honestly don't know what to believe anymore Dante. Until a few weeks ago I didn't even know that my mother was a witch. I found out I can also perform magic and that its been prophesised I'll be Queen. So why can't it be possible that I have a secret sister?"

He had never seen her looking so lost and he realised he hardly knew anything about her past and why she had become so cold hearted and terrifying.

"Okay I'll find out anything I can about a secret birth certificate or anything that could be proof of a seventh sibling. Then I'll do more research on the tomb. Then-"


"Huh?" Dante was confused.

"She was in my dream, I could sense her. That means she also knows about the tomb. All we have to do is find it and we'll find her."

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