15. Cold Blooded Revenge

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"More and more deaths are being reported daily."

"Crime scene official have found similarities in the recent murders with those that started ten years ago."

"It is believed this is the work of notorious serial killer 'Psycho', but any arrests are yet to be made as even after ten years this killer remains anonymous."

"Psycho's famous trademark has been recognised at the crime scenes."

"That's right, he or she always leaves one victim alive, but on the brink of death. In a twisted game, Psycho lets fate decide if they will die or survive."

"So far three of these victims have survived but are traumatised beyond returned. Police still hope that they might have seen something of the killer which could help the ongoing investigation."

"If you have seen or heard anything, then please contact the police immediately."

"Police are advising everyone to be vigilant and never go anywhere alone."

"Anyone could be next."

Athena sat in a coffee shop watching with satisfaction the news talk about her on the small TV. Everyone in the café had gone silent when they had started talking about Psycho and one of the waitresses had turned up the volume. Athena watched their faces from behind her sunglasses covering her red eyes and wiped some of the blood off her hands with a napkin. She could smell that most were humans and were terrified, but the few wolves seated in the corner were trembling, scared for their lives, for they knew they were the real targets. Humans were safe, Psycho only hunted wolves.

With a smug grin, Athena wandered calmly out of the shop ignoring the strange looks she received for the blood on her black outfit and the sunglasses she wore in the middle of winter.


In the King's office on the other side of the forest, Xander was pacing, his hands balled up in fists.

"All of the victims were just regular pack members, none of them had any authority, however, they all had one thing in common. Each of them had ties to violence or aggression towards rogues," Axel was telling him.

"So you think this could be either a rogue or a wolf who feels strongly about the treatment of rogues," Xander said, not continuing to pace.

"Exactly, but I can't find anything on the killer. It's like they're a ghost," Axel said, puzzled.

"Everyone is traceable, some are just harder to find than others," said Xander aggressively, "it is crucial we catch this killer immediately."

"Axel's right, all CCTV of the crime scenes were wiped so there's not digital footage," Xander's brother Javier added, "and anyone who's seen Psycho up close are either dead or in a hospital bed too terrified to talk."

As the captain of an NYPD precinct Javier had had a big role in finding the murderer and had all of the resources he needed to find them.

"We think Psycho isn't working alone, it would be impossible to stay anonymous after this many murders by themselves," said Mateo from a sofa in the corner of the office.

Xander punched the wall of his office sending books flying everywhere then walked over to his desk and slumped into his chair.

"Get every warrior and pack at our disposal searching for Psycho. I don't care if you have to knock on every single door in the country, YOU FIND ME THAT MURDERER," he said slamming his fists on the desk and leaning over it to glare at them, "ALIVE."

They bowed their heads, their wolves submitting to their Alpha.

"I want to kill him myself," Xander growled.

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