24. Wild Jealousy

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"Axel I want you to interrogate all the staff that were working last night," Xander took charge and motioned for them all to quieten down, "Mateo check all the security cameras and make a list of all our enemies. Dante you are to search the entire library top to bottom. Mom ask Flo to take care of preparing rooms for our guests and organising a car to take them to get their belongings. Ermenilda alert the council that there has been another breach in palace security. The rest of you need to go back to your hotel and check your cameras and make sure the area is secure. Then pack some bags and come straight back here. I'm going to put off a search for a day and see if anything turns up. Take today to rest and prepare yourselves, tomorrow we begin the search for the grimoire and whoever is messing with us."

They all watched him without saying a word. In that moment he was the Alpha they all needed, a light leading them through the dark.

"I know we are not the most likely of allies but as of today we share a common enemy. I believe that the only way we will get to the bottom of this is if we work together. We are all very powerful individuals, but together we will be a force to be reckoned with. Does anyone have any questions?"

The room was silent. No one dared oppose him.

"I think we should go out tonight," his sister Nova exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Xander said, taken aback.

"Well as you said we're not the most likely of allies," she shrugged, "so I think we should all go out together and get to know each other."

"I think that's a bit inappropriate Nova, given the current situation," Xander growled.

"I think it's a great idea," Tequila said, staring defiantly at Xander.

"Tequila agrees so it's a plan," Nova nodded as though the matter was settled.

"Fine," Xander snarled at his sister.

"Well your father and I won't be joining, we'll leave you kids to have your fun," Adele chuckled.

"Yes, but son don't forget you are to join us, your fiancé and her parents for lunch," Laszlo added.

"Of course, I'll be there," Xander said in a bored voice.

"You couldn't get out of this even if you were dead," his wolf added helpfully.

"Right everyone get to it," Xander said, dismissing them and walking out the throne room, Mateo and Axel hot on his heels.


The Torriantos made their way back into the city in silence. They watched the forest melt into streets whilst their minds screamed in anger at being tricked by their father. It was not the first time but they dreaded to think that it was not the last neither.

They walked into their penthouse to find Tobias sat on the sofa with his daughter Melody.

"How are the girls doing?" Tariq said softly, careful not to wake Melody nestled in her father's arms.

"Little Melody here hasn't noticed anything, but, as you can imagine, Quinn has about a million questions," he sighed heavily, "Naomi is trying to get her to settle down and go back to sleep but I think it might be useless now."

"So what did the King say?" he said changing the topic.

"What's going on?" he pressed, when all of them looked at each other not wanting to break the news to their eldest brother.

"Well long story short whoever broke in here also broke into the palace and stole the grimoire," said Tiger.

"I'm going to go pack my bag," Tequila said abruptly and left them staring after her in confusion.

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