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alr yall last chapter, *wipes forehead w/ imaginary sweat* we will not be talking abt how i legit just skipped the maiko & sukka weddings for the kataang 1, like sowwy but i just prefer kataang lmao. and this is super long, but i wanted to include a lotta stuff. 

Katara's POV:

I was putting on my dress, a blue and white decorated 1. I then put on a white-blue tiara, shortly before approaching the place I needed to be. My husband-to-be looked at me and started tearing up happily, I looked through his cedar eyes. I saw my sister-in-law crying on my best friend's shoulder. I don't blame her, I'm starting to tear up too. Then I see my brother telling my almost 2 year old son what's going on in the simplest way possible, shortly afterwards my now fiance yet to be husband takes my hands. We look at each other again, he clears his throat...

Aang's POV:

I begin, "When I first met you I knew I had an attachment to you. It was like a spark I never saw before, I learnt a lot of things in my time with you. Like how the more time you spend with someone, the more you love them. You are not my soulmate-" my fiance just stares at me, I continue my sentence. "-You're my forever girl, and that means forever." She starts to tear up more at this, I see my sister figure mouthing to me. "It's not that emotional, Twinkle-Toes." Then I look at my wife-to-be, she takes a breath. All our friends are crying but Suki, she just looks up.

Katara's POV:

25 minutes later me, my now husband, brother, sister-in-law, best friends and son arrive. I go sit down next to my husband, "Hey Sweetie." he said. "Hey." I said back. Then my brother gets up and goes over to announce something, "Hey everyone, I'm the brother of the y'know bride. And I have a toast to say, all I can say is 'you two are disgusting.'" I shout at him, "SHUT UP!" as a joke, he acts hurt. "Anyway, I love ya sis and I'm glad you're happy!" he then said, before running back. I then look at Aang, "Hey." he says.  I give him a slight yet passionate kiss instead of a reply.

Aang's POV:

"You're so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?" I ask. "Well, being so handsome and kind treats you." she said. We both smiled at each other's compliments towards each other, "I love you so so much." I said. She laughs, "What?" I say, worried. "I'd be worried if you didn't, I mean we have a son and we're officially married as of now. But I love you too." she smiles. I give her a slight kiss on her forehead, I still can't believe she's my wife. She could have anyone at all but she chose me, she stayed with me even after I somehow got her pregnant at 16 against her father's wishes.

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