That night at both households

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Aang's POV:

Me and Katara are having a fun time. To say that I'm enjoying it is an understatement. We are kissing...a lot. But that's it. It's not like I'm yanking off her- OH MY GOSH I'M YANKING OFF HER CLOTHES. She's awake still and we're kissing yet again. She's currently working at my clothes in the meantime. Now we're almost unclothed. She's pushing me down, still kissing me, trying to get me fully unclothed. I know what you're thinking, 'Aang it sounds like you're not enjoying this' well to be completely honest with you. I'm enjoying every second. Every. Dang. Second. Of. It.

Katara's POV:

And officially me and Aang are both exposed. He gets up for a sec and so do I. He looks at me, I whisper in his ear "Aang-y." Cringy I know but he likes me calling it. "Kat-" I kiss him pushing him to the ground. I then stop kissing him on the lips and start kissing him on the chest. Again cringy I know. But he finds it cute so y'know. I get a call from my dad but as I'm too busy I don't get to answer it, "Katara, what are you d-doing?" he asks yet no answer from me. He's lying on the ground. So am I, yet I'm not directly on the ground but on top of him. We yet again kiss ardently.

Toph's POV:

I couldn't sleep. Normally I can see fine when sleeping as I'm on top of dirt and things but tonight it was like a chore. I then heard a car come at midnight, I woke up Sokka and Katara's dad because of it. "Hi dad." Katara said out of Aang's car. "What are you doing at midnight here? And why did a boy drive you home?" "Dad, I'm fine. It's a new town." Her and Sokka's dad just looked at her, "Who is that guy?" She was about to speak but then her dad noticed smudged lipstick and messy hair. "What did you do to my precious daughter?" he asked Aang.

Sokka's POV:

I walked downstairs to find Dad almost shouting, wanting to know who Aang is. "Sir, I'm your daughter's boyfriend not 'kidnapper'." Dad just looked at Katara angrily. "Sokka has a girlfriend but I'm not allowed to be in a relationship with someone I love?!" she says. "Where are your parents?" he asks Aang. "My uncle is at my house, my parents are dead." he says. Suki comes down, "What's going on?" she whispers, "Katara's getting shouted at for having a boyfriend." I reply. "I think this is my cue to go." she says. "Go to your room, it's vastly past your bed time." 

Suki's POV:

I pack my bags and I see Katara crying, "I come home, and I get shouted at for having a boyfriend I love?! Not even a 'Hello' or a 'Happy Birthday'." she responds. "It's not your birthday though." he says. She stares shocked, "Wow, my father can't even remember his own daughter's birthday. I'm 16 now." "Hold on a second," he says to his daughter, "How old are you?" he asks Aang. "16 in two months, Sir." he says. "You're dating a boy, younger than you? Do you not remember what I taught you?" "I do remember but I love him and you can't let a silly family tradition stop that."

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