Meetings. Lots and lots of meetings

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Aang's POV:

During 5th period the principal wanted to see me. "Yes Principal?" "I've heard the rumors that you fought a boy called Jet in lunch today." "I didn't necessarily fight him but he was harassing a friend of mine." A girl with black hair swivels around in the chair to face me, "Not just a friend. Is she?" "Azula-" "I''ve known everything about you two since the moment you stole her first kiss to the present." I stare shocked, "Everything?" "Everything. Including your 'hangout' last night."

"I'm begging you don't tell anyone." "Alright but I need you to do me a favor." "Alright, anything. Just don't make it to hurt her, any of my friends or my uncle." "Alright, deal. The favor is you need to harm your parents in any way." I laugh, "What's so funny?" "I'm an orphan. So I can't." "Confess to me something that I have to use to my advantage." "Alright. Um, this is gonna be awkward but Ty Lee kinda has a crush on you." The principal laughs, "Don't worry her, I do too."

!TRIGGER WARNING FOR NEXT TWO PARAGRAPHS!: Indirect mention of su!c!de and abu$3!

Katara's POV:

I go into the principal's office and I see Azula there and I just know this is gonna be a traumatic experience. "Hello Katara." "Azula, calm down." Azula looks like she just got punched in the face and she has a huge bruise on her arm. "I'm going to print something, I'll be back ASAP." the principal says. Azula starts crying so much, "Are you okay?" she shakes her head, "No, I to be honest want to die. My dad's so horrible to me." I look at her, "Is he the reason behind those huge bruises?" she nods, still wailing. "He just found out I have a crush on a girl as well."

"It's gonna be okay. I can call the cops?" I suggest. "Please." she says, her eyes as red as her right thigh. "When did he do all this?" "Just after your boyfriend left. He also called me an imbecile." I hug her, "Thank you, this is the only hug I've ever gotten." the poor girl. "Why did you start bullying people?" "Because of this mass waywardness." "Am I the only person to notice this?" "Yes, it's been going on for 7 years though. Since I was 9. You can go." "Here's my number if you need me." "Thank you." she says. I walk out the door. I feel so sorry for Azula, oh my gosh.

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