The next morning...

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Aang's POV:

I don't know how it feels to be hungover but I feel hungover. "Hey." I say, seeing Katara next to me on my left. "Hey." she says reading a book, a class book. "What are you doing?" She looks at me like I made the biggest mistake of the 21st century. "We have a test, it's about fractions." "I always knew you were smart but wow." She moves her hair from her left to right side and then kisses me on the cheek. "Y'know, I probably don't have enough time to revise." "Katara, it's 5am. There's still loads of time." She 'picks up' my chin and kisses me, "You're right." she says. I laugh.

I get some chips, Katara looks at me like she's saying. "Can I have a few?" I look in the bag, there's not that many so I give her the whole bag. "Thank you." she says, "Your welcome." I say. It's Wednesday already. "Happy 16th birthday." "How did you-" "You told me last night." "Ha, seems like me. Me and my big mouth." "I'd replace big with beautiful but y'know." "Awww, thank you. Also I'd like my present now please." "You sure?" I say. "Yes, of course I'm sure." she says. I then take her Maths book and grab her arm gently.

Katara's POV:

A bit weird, Aang grabbing my arm and him kissing me. I mean I love him so much so I don't really mind. My braid is getting loose, Aang takes it out and uses it to make a ponytail in my hair. "Woooow." I say. He puts his index finger on my lips, "Hm?" he kisses me to silence me. He then moves me closer to him, I realise what my 16th birthday 'present' is. I'm kissing Aang passionately so when Sokka calls me, I couldn't answer. He then calls me back.

 "Don't worry, you can answer the phone." I answer the phone, "Hey sis, happy birthday." "Thanks Sokka." "Why didn't you answer at first though?" "Oh, I was...asleep." I lie. "Oh okay. Just to let you know, Mai and Zuko broke up and so did me and Suki." "What?! Why?" "Zuko and Suki met up yesterday and kissed." I gasp, the audacity. "Anyway gotta go. See ya at school." "See ya." Aang looks at me, "What's wrong?" "Turns out we're the only proper couple in our friend group." "What?!" "Zuko and Suki cheated on Mai and Sokka." "Uh oh."

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