Unexpected. Very unexpected

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Aang's POV:

At lunch I saw Jet look at Katara funny. I go up to him and say, "Hey, keep your eyes to yourself." "What are you gonna do about it?" I put my hands in front of his face and say sort of angrily, "Stop. Looking. At. My. Girlfriend." He looks at her more. "I think you'll find she's mine." I laugh, "Yeah sure." I say sarcastically. He then grabs Katara by the arm which she seems to be in a lot of pain about. "Go on a date with me." he says pressuring her, I feel like crying at her so in pain.

"No." she says. "Yes." he says, pinning her against a wall. "No." she says louder. Sokka walks up to Jet, being a good older brother. "Get off my sister. NOW." he says. "Not until she agrees to go on a date with me." Sokka asks me how this started, I confess everything except using the word 'friend' instead of 'girlfriend'. "What do you mean mine?" Sokka asks Jet, "Well I mean mine. Like not just girlfriend but mine." Sokka punches Jet to the ground leaving Jet bleeding really badly.

Katara's POV:

I manage to get out of Jet's grip, and when I think Sokka's not looking I kiss Aang. "Ahem, what the frick?" Sokka says, oh shoot. "You told me that you and Aang aren't dating literally 3 hours and a half ago." "I- uh well." Oh gosh this is awkward. "Hey Toph." Sokka said when Toph passed by. "Hey." "Did you find out? Aang and Katara have been secretly dating without me knowing." Toph looks at me and Aang like "Don't worry I got your backs."

Toph being tremendously sarcastic, "Oh my. Never knew that. What a shocker. You learn something new every day." I try to hold in my laughter. We go to the table and I eat my chicken burger. "Y'know I fancy bacon and eggs." Sokka says. "Shut up Sokka." I say. Aang eats his salad, "I've actually never eaten meat all my life." he says. Sokka stares at him like he's crazy. "No Sokka, he is not weird you are weird." Zuko feels a lot of pain on his left eye. Mai looks at him.

Sokka's POV:

"What's wrong?" Mai says. "Oh nothing, just my eye." Zuko replies. Mai gets a spray looking thing, "Here's your scar med Zuko." "Thanks." he says spraying his left eye. "Hey Zuko, where'd you get the cool looking scar from?" I say. "Sokka..." Katara says annoyed. "My father gave it to me. One day he was at a teacher meeting and I walked in because I wanted to report Azula's behavior. When the people the meeting was with left he kinda 'yeeted' a book at my face." 

I stare at Zuko. "Oh my gosh- I'm so sorry." "It's fine, I live with my uncle now. My uncle's a lovely person." I smile. Toph 'looks' at her food, "Spaghetti. Great." she says sarcastically. "I thought you liked spaghetti." Suki says. "Yea, I do but this one is dry and uncooked. The cook forgot to cook it." I stare, "You have a maid?" "Yea, I hate having rich parents. I'm planning on running away to be honest." "You can stay with me and Katara until our dad comes back if you want." 

Toph's POV:

Not living with my parents? Seems like a dream come true. "Alright, we'll go to my house after school." "'Kay." Sokka says. "But I gotta go at 3pm for work then Katara might be able to help you." "When will you be back?" I ask. "11pm. I work every day from 3pm to 11pm to provide for Katara and I while my dad's not here." Sokka says. Oh my gosh- that's so kindhearted of him. He doesn't even care that he only get's 7 hours of sleep, he just cares that Katara's okay.

"Just to let you know, my boss is very kind so he might let me leave early but I doubt it as I have a meeting 'til 11, starting at 10." he says. "Hang on a minute, who's your boss?" Aang says. "He's called Mr Gyatso, why?" "That's my uncle. He'll be thrilled to have a friend of mine working for him." "Wow. That's amazing." Azula walks in and says to all of us, "Hey idiots, also hey to the little lovebirds." Zuko spits out his water at my face. "Sorry, I was just so in shock." "It's fine."

Azula's POV:

Zuko's so annoying. I hate him with a burning passion. "Hey Mai. It seems you've decided to leave my group." "Oh just leave me alone Azula." Wow rude. It seems she forgot my dad's the principal. "I will don't worry." "Good." I walk over to the staircase leading to my dad's office. I knock on his door, "Come in." I walk in. "Azula, good to see you. How are you?" "Dad, can you please expel Mai and Zu-Zu?" "I can expel Mai but not your brother. Sorry Azula. I need reasons."

I give him false, obviously, reasons to expel Zuko. He decides to expel Mai, "Zuko will be next, trust me daughter." "Dad. Mom would be disappointed. Good job." "I know she would be, she has a husband of her own. Ikem." The name rings a bell. "I happen to have a lady friend of my own." he adds. "Ugh, what is it with everyone being in a relationship?" "Oh? Do you have any special information tell me?" "Yes. Zuko has a girlfriend and both of those new kids are taken."

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