Jiminie - Heartache

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Hi!! Sorry I was gone such a long time, I had to do online school so I was busy! I should be able to get another fic done for tomorrow! This was a request for @rhecalma so thank you for requesting!! And please tell me if I did well! I hope everyone's 2021 Is going well and I hope you enjoy!! 

Jimin Heartache with caretaker Jin!

Quick disclaimer that I am not a doctor so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong! 

Tw: hospitals, very mild panic attack, drugs (only medicine! but thought I would put a warning in case) 

When Jimin woke up he could instantly feel that something was off. Every time he breathed he felt a stabbing pain take over, the pain directed near his heart. He slowly sat up, which calmed the pain down. It wasn't that bad, he thought. There was no time to lay in bed the group had to learn new choreography today. There's no way Jimin could miss that. So he got out of bed ignoring the pain and carrying on with his day.

The day continued and Jimin only felt the sharp pain getting worse and worse throughout the day. However he still continued to ignore it, it couldn't be that bad. They were currently at the end of dance practice panting and exhausted from the hours of dancing.

'Hey Jimin, are you staying here for a while?' Asked Jin beside him. Jimin thought for a while, how bad could a couple more hours of practice be? 'Yeah I need to try to perfect this choreography' He replied back, grabbing his drink and taking a few sips out of it. He couldn't ignore the fact that sharp pains attacked his chest as he swallowed the water.

'Great, is it ok if you help me?' Jin replied, with a small smile on his face. 'Sure hyung' Jimin smiled back.

After a quick 5 minute break, the music was back on and Jimin and Jin started dancing again. The rest of the members at their studios or resting back at the dorm. After a few rounds, Jimin felt himself getting lightheaded. His breathing became more shallow. With every breath he took the stabbing pain continued, getting harder to ignore as it kept attacking his heart.

He couldn't take deep breaths anymore, the pain becoming too much. Instead his breaths were quick and shallow as he attempted to calm the pain down. 'J-Jin hyung can we take a break?' He said half way through their 3rd practice. Jin looked to his right, seeing Jimin who didn't look well at all. His face was flushed red, sweat dripping from his forehead as he panted looking in pain. 'Sure, are you ok? You don't look so good..' Jin replied, concern filling his voice.

Jimin didn't see any point in hiding his pain, his right hand coming up to grab his chest. It hurt to speak, so instead he just shook his head. His panting filled the room, as every breath he took brought a sharper pain.

Seeing the state the younger was in, Jin quickly walked over to Jimin. He guided him to a chair in the corner of the dance studio, sitting him down. ' Jiminie, where does it hurt?' Jin was getting more worried now, realising the situation. 'h-hurt , h-heart' Jimin panted out. His head felt heavy, becoming exhausted.

' ok ok. Calm down it's going to be ok. Can you take some deep breaths for hyung?' Jimin whimpered out of pain as he did as his hyung asked. It hurt a lot, but he knew he had to calm down.

Jin grabbed his bag and took out a pack of painkillers that were in there for emergencies. He also grabbed Jimin's water bottle, handing it to Jimin as well as giving him one of the painkillers. 'Min can you try take these please' Jin spoke as softly as he could, trying to make sure the younger was calm.

Jimin looked nervously, he wasn't sure if he would be able to handle swallowing. However this would help with the pain. He lifted the water bottle, taking a few sips before putting the painkiller in his mouth. He attempted to swallow but there was an unbearable sharp pain attacking him. He flinched out of the pain, coughing the medicine and water backed up. Every cough brings more and more pain as a tear rolls down his cheek, a sob threatening to leave his mouth.

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