Overworked Taehyung

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Hii, this was supposed to be out sooner but helpfully my laptop decided to stop working so sorry for the delay haha. I've been working on this for ages so here you go! It's 3k words, which ain't that long but I don't think I'm capable of writing any more than that 😭

Sickie : Taehyung 

Caretaker : everyone but mainly Jimin 

TW : none :)

"H-Ha'shiew!!" Taehyung pitches forward with a sneeze gaining the attention of a producer before going back to recording. He was currently recording one of the songs off his mixtape, having to keep repeating the same verse over and over again as his microphone picked up the sound of him sneezing. "A-Ah'shiew!! Sorry" He looks down at his fingers playing with them as the producer sighs. "Maybe we should try another day, i don't think this will work"

Taehyung pouted, nodding without saying a word as they got packed up before he headed back to the dorms, sniffling harshly every second, the wind not helping as he fought the urge to groan.

"How did it go, Tae??" Namjoon had asked enthusiastically when he first entered. He smiled at the older's excitement for him before sighing. "Not good, we had to stop because the mic kept picking up my sneezing" Namjoon frowned, staying silent for a few seconds as he tried to come up with a reply.

"That's ok, you can try again tomorrow!" He tried to sound positive even though he wasn't sure. Taehyung didn't look very good at all. He pouts, watching as Namjoon walks out of his sight.

He followed Namjoon up the stairs before going into his room. If he couldn't record then he figured that he would at least do something that would help speed up the process. He was desperate to get this album out, not wanting to delay the release.

He rests his head on his desk, his headphones hurting his ears as he continues to scribble down lyric ideas. He felt like banging his head against a wall as he had gotten stuck, not knowing what to write for the second verse of the song.

He continued working for as long as possible, his head starting to pound as his eyelids felt heavy becoming exhausted quickly. However he was determined to keep working as he shook his head focusing his attention back onto the bright screen in front of him.

Although he didn't work for too long, soon fell asleep in front of his computer as the melody of his song played on repeat.

Taehyung harshly rubbed his eyes, yawning as he tried to get used to the brightness of his room. He cursed as he saw the time displayed on his alarm clock, realising that he only had half an hour before their busy day started. He must have been exhausted because he soon realised that he had slept through his alarm.

He groaned before quickly getting changed, having no time to shower as he heads downstairs, grabbing a banana off of the kitchen counter before eating it quickly as he tries to get himself organised.

His schedule was packed. With vocal lessons first then a meeting, after that more recording as well as dance practise last. He had been working the whole day, continuously apologising as he interrupted multiple people with particularly loud sneezes.

His breath hitched with every inhale he took "H-Ha'shiew!! A-Ah'tshiew!! H-Huhheshh!" His chest tightens painfully as he bends over, his hands shooting towards his nose as he sneezes into them. He ducked his head down out of embarrassment before mumbling a quiet "Sorry".

"Are you sure you're ok? I can tell Sejin-nim if you're feeling unwell" Namjoon eyed him, concern written on his face. "Oh, no I'm fine, really I think I caught a cold" The rest frowned hearing that, knowing that Taehyung must have been feeling awful considering how stubborn he was at admitting when he was sick.

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