Jimin - cough

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Hi everyone! First I just wanted to say thank you so much for 11k reads! I'm really sorry I went away for a while, however I'm back! I only have a few updates for today so everything else will be coming out in the next week. I'm very sorry for such a long wait ! Here's a request from my tumblr :) 

Sickie - Jimin Caretaker - Hobi 

Jimin brings his cupped hands up to his mouth as he lets out yet another painful cough, wincing as pain over takes his chest at the action. He stares miserably around Hobi's studio after being taken off schedule due to him being sick with a cough. Hobi had invited into his studio to look after him while still working. Jimin had been grateful for this as it stopped him from having to stay in the dorms by himself while all of the members worked.

Just then Hobi had re entered the room."Hi Jiminie, how do you feel?" He smiled widely coming closer with a bottle of cough syrup in his hand. "Not good" He groans in reply, giving another cough as to prove his point. Hobi's smile fell off his face as it was replaced with a sympathetic frown. "Would you like some medicine?" He offers although he knew that he would get Jimin to take it despite his response.

The question was one that Jimin had dreaded, having not enough energy to refuse as he gave a weak nod startling Hobi as he was sure the younger would've refused. He pours out the syrup, watching as the thick liquid falls onto the spoon before passing it to Jimin who stares at it for a while moving slowly as he brings it up to his lips.

He takes a deep breath before his whole face scrunches up at the taste of the liquid, swallowing forcefully as it itches the back of his throat making him cough harshly. He doubles over at the force feeling Hobi pat his back as he recovers slowly.

"Here" He takes a glass of water from Hobi quickly swallowing it down as it soothes his aching throat. His swollen throat makes it difficult to swallow as it takes Jimin a lot of force. He lays down on the sofa situated in the corner of the room, covered in blankets as Hobi sits in front of him with a pair of headphones on as he works on his upcoming mixtape.

"Hyungie can I listen?" Jimin asks out of curiosity as Hobi agrees quickly , he had been looking for feedback. He gently places the headphones onto Jimin's head watching as the younger visibly relaxes as soon as the song has started playing. It was completely different to his usual up beat, energetic songs. Instead it was much slower, highlighting the rappers singing skills as the tone of his voice fits perfectly.

Jimin was quick to give out compliments which had made him blush slightly as he had continued to work as Jimin kept the headphones on so that he could listen along. After a while of silence he decided to check on Jimin as he was shocked to see him slumped over next to him, eyes glued shut as he was fast asleep.

He chuckled before quietly getting out of the room as he grabbed some more blankets, making sure he was warm before continuing on with his work as the soft snores from Jimin made him feel less lonely.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and other requests will be published shortly :)) 

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