Jungkook - Late night snack

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Hi! I'm back again! I will be publishing another fic later tonight with Hobi and Jimin so please look out for that! But for now, here is a Jungkook fic! Enjoy! 

Sickie - Jungkook

Caretaker - Yoongi (Hobi is mentioned)

TW : Emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick, food

Jungkook's phone lights up in his dark room with a notification. He glanced over, looking at the screen as he soon realised that one of the members had gone live. Being curious, he opened the notification, seeing Hobi's bright smile appear on the screen indicating that Hobi was the member that had gone live.

He climbed out of bed, heading to Hobi's room to see what he was up to. As he reached the door he heard a loud laugh come from Hobi. He smiled, reaching to the door and knocking.

The door opened almost immediately, as jungkook was faced opposite Hobi.

"Oh Jungkook-ah!" Hobi shouted enthusiastically, moving Jungkook in front of the camera to show army that Jungkook was with him. "What are you doing here?" He smiled, sitting back down in front of his dinner.

"I just wanted to come visit" Jungkook shrugged, he was bored anyway. Hobi hummed, eating a mouthful of his noodles while reading comments that were flying past the screen rapidly.

"Would you like some noodles?" Hobi asked as Jungkook sat down besides him. "Oh no hyung, I can't eat late at night" Eating late at night upset his stomach, though the noodles looked so tempting.

"Aw come on, just one bite?" Hobi teased the noodles closer to his face. "Come on, smell them they're so good." Jungkook took a sniff, Hobi was right, they smelt delicious.

He sighed "Fine, give me some please hyung" Hobi just smiled at the camera, giving Jungkook a small bowl of noodles. A mouthful of noodles turned into multiple mouthfuls, they were so good and Jungkook found himself unable to stop eating them.

Soon enough he was stuffed with noodles, burping quietly as he stretched his arms out. He knew that eating the noodles was a bad idea and he was already starting to feel the side effects, but they were just too good to resist.

Time passed by and Jungkook decided to go back to his hotel room, feeling slightly queasy. He waved goodbye to the camera enthusiastically, then saying goodbye to Hobi and walking out of the room.

While he was walking down the hallway he felt a sharp cramp hit him, almost bending over with the force. He gasped quietly and continued walking back to his hotel room. When he reached the door he got in quickly, getting changed before curling up in bed, placing a hand on his aching stomach.

He whimpered, unable to sleep because of the pain that was quickly making him nauseous. He took deep breaths trying to calm his stomach that was flipping harshly. His stomach was bloated from the noodles, making him feel uncomfortable.

He felt his mouth fill rapidly with saliva indicating that he wouldn't be able to last long. However the painful cramps made it hard for him to move, his stomach churning as he whimpered, frantically looking around the room for a bowl.

His eyes glistened with tears as he felt something creep up his throat, as he gave a deep heave, sending a mouthful of sick that had covered his blankets and clothes. He gagged at the sight, bringing up even more liquid.

Meanwhile Yoongi was sitting on his bed, the screen turning black telling him that Hobi's live had ended. He was watching it when he realised that Jungkook had eaten late at night which always didn't end well for him.

He got up deciding to check on Jungkook. When he reached outside Jungkook's door he could hear retching, his eyes widened as his hands shot to the door handle opening the door quickly.

He saw Jungkook sitting on the bed, tears rolling down his face as he whimpered, dry heaving over the puddle of sick that was covering himself and his bed. He quickly walked over, realising that there was no luck in getting a bowl since he had already finished.

"Wow, it's ok Jungkook-ah just get it up, You're ok" He comforted as he younger continued to dry heave. He frowned "Jungkookie calm down, you're going to get a sore throat" He took a deep breath, swallowing down another dry heave as he listened to Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi I don't like this" He whimpered as more tears poured from his eyes. "I know I know, you're ok. Do you think you are done?" Jungkook just nodded in response. "I-I'm sorry I can clean this up" He said staring down at the mess he had made.

"No it's ok, you're sick you couldn't help it. Why don't you go get changed while I change your bed ok?" Yoongi suggested walking to his wardrobe to pick out some clothes before handing them to Jungkook, who thanked him before walking off to the bathroom to get changed.

Yoongi stripped the bed sheets, replacing them with new ones. After a couple of minutes the bed was clean again. He frowned, walking to the bathroom. "Jungkookie are you almost finished?" He heard a cough, and then something splatter.

His heart beat faster. "I'm going to come in" he announced as he opened the door. He saw Jungkook kneeling in front of the toilet, only half dressed. "Oh Jungkookie you should have called me" He said softly playing with the youngers hair.

"I-It's ok i think Im done now anyway" he replied, leaning away from the toilet. "Ok, let me help you put your shirt on" He flushed the toilet, quickly assisting Jungkook.

After a couple of seconds Jungkook was fully dressed. They both walked into the bedroom as Yoongi helped Jungkook get into bed.

"D-don't leave please hyung" Jungkook called out weakly. "I won't don't worry, I'm just going to get a bowl just in case" He replied before silently walking into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and quickly returning.

He placed the bowl on the table beside Jungkook's bed before climbing in next to him under the covers. "Goodnight Jungkookie" He said, holding him close. "Night hyung" Jungkook replied. Soon after they both fell asleep, getting the rest they deserved after the rough night. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

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