Namjoon - Heat exhaustion

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Hi!! I'm back again, this time with a Namjoon sickfic! I'm sorry I haven't done much fics about the older members so I will make sure that my next updates will be based around them! Here is Namjoon filming their summer package and getting Heat exhaustion for it. This one is more detailed, an is longer. Usually I don't write fics this long so I hope you enjoy the longer fics too! 

Sickie - Namjoon

Caretakers - All of bts (ot7)

TW: fainting, food

The members were currently filming for their summer package. They were in the car, on their way to their location for their photoshoot. All the members were exhausted from travelling so much, wanting to sleep.

Namjoon was currently sitting next to Jin, watching him play mario kart on his Nintendo switch. He chuckled watching him get hit by a red shell, knocking him from 1st place to 3rd. "Oi don't laugh at me! Now I'm losing!" Jin jokes, smiling softly as he continues to play the game.

Namjoon soon lost focus in the game, instead looking out the window, music blasting in his earphones. He reaches into his bag, grabbing out a notebook and pen as he writes down lyric ideas.

He couldn't help it, writing lyrics came naturally to him. He found inspiration from the nature outside of the window, it looked beautiful. The green grass shone under the hot sun as the trees slightly swayed in the warm breeze.

He smiled softly, admiring the view as he heard his members joke around in the background. He continued to write lyrics for an hour or so until he felt his eyelids become heavy. The sun continued to shine brightly through the window, almost blinding him. He sighed as his eyes began to close. He felt himself slowly drifting off, falling asleep quickly.

"Hyung wake up we're here!" He felt someone shaking him softly as he groaned quietly, rubbing his eyes before opening them. He instantly regretted the action, wincing from the bright light of the sun.

He sat up, muscles aching slightly from the position he was sat in. He soon recovered, climbing out of the van. He felt himself already starting to sweat from the hot weather, fanning himself with his hand.

He saw the other members already changed, getting ready for their individual photoshoots. Before he could do anything he was rushed to the side by a staff member getting handed his clothes.

He quickly changed, being surrounded by different staff members as they fixed his makeup and hair. He sighed, feeling tired even after hours of sleep.

Before he knew it the photoshoot started. It didn't take much energy, however Namjoon felt himself getting more tired every minute.

The scorching weather started to get to him. There was no cold wind to help him cool down, only warm breezes. He sighed as he felt like he was suffocating. The air was warm and humid making it difficult to breathe.

He continued with the photoshoot, if the other members could do it, then why couldn't he? He thought.

It didn't take too long for his individual photoshoot to be over. Although it wasn't long, by the time Namjoon was finished his condition was much worse.

His face was flushed red, a thick layer of sweat covering his skin as he panted slightly. His throat was scratchy and dry from not drinking.

It was only a couple of seconds before he was rushed again, getting handed another set of clothes for the group photoshoot.

He looked around, unaware of what was going on. He was brought back to reality as he realised all the other members were waiting for him for the group photoshoot. He quickly got changed, running over to the group.

A staff member approached him, holding an electrical fan to his face while dabbing the sweat away. They handed Namjoon a water bottle quickly. He sighed in relief, however he only had a few seconds to drink before he was being rushed over, starting the group photoshoot.

By now he started feeling nauseous from the heat, beginning to sweat more as he got into his position for the photo.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked from beside him, looking worried. Namjoon just nodded before focusing back on the flashing cameras. He faked a big smile, acting as if he felt completely fine.

His throat became dry again as it hurt to swallow. Everything around him started to become blurry as dots invaded his vision. He blinked rapidly, trying to get his vision back to normal. But doing that only made things worse.

He felt his legs start to ache as his knees buckled under the pressure of his weight. He could hear multiple voices and blurry heads crowding him. However the voices were muffled under the ringing in his ears.

He felt his head fall forward, his body becoming limb as he faints into the ground. The members shout, eyes widening as they see the state Namjoon is in.

"Hyung!" Jungkook runs up to him, lightly shaking his shoulders, just as he did when he was waking him up earlier. "Kook don't shake him." Jin instructed, crouching besides Namjoon.

Jungkook immediately stops. After a few seconds a doctor walks up to the group, immediately inspecting Namjoon trying to find what caused him to faint. "Seems like heart exhaustion, He'll be ok. He just needs a lot of rest" The doctor explained smiling before walking away to talk to their manager.

Jungkook looked at Jin with teary eyes "I-is heat exhaustion bad?" He asked in a soft voice. Jin's heart dropped. "It's not too serious, Joon just needs a lot of rest" Smiled Yoongi, patting Jungkook on the back.

After a couple of minutes Namjoon found himself waking up. He groaned, his eyes slowly opening. He stared at the members surrounding him, confused. "W-what happened??" "Hyung you fainted from heat exhaustion" Explained Jimin, who had been silent until now. "O-oh" Namjoon frowned.

"Let's go, you need to rest." Jin said before standing up. "Wait, what about the photoshoot??" "That can be continued later, right now we need to get you to rest." Jin helped Namjoon up, helping him walk.

They soon got to the cabin they were sleeping in, Putting Namjoon in bed. Each member helped Jin make the soup for Namjoon, all wanting to help Namjoon in any way possible. "Here hyung!" Taehyung said enthusiastically as he placed the tray of soup on Namjoon's lap. 

"Thank you." He smiled softly, raising the spoon to his lips. He had always loved this soup, not only was it homemade, but it was made by his members. He chuckled at the thought of all of them crowding in the kitchen, Jin telling them instructions. 

He soon finished the soup, thanking the members once again before making it. They all left Namjoon's room, giving him some peace. Namjoon sighed softly, finding himself drifting to sleep underneath multiple layers of blankets, making him feel warm and safe. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

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