Jimin - Laxatives

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Here's another scat based fic! Again, this was request from my tumblr and is the last fic I'll be posting tonight! Although there will be some more perhaps tomorrow so please look out for that! Enjoy! 

Sickie - Jimin

Caretaker - Jungkook

TW : Scat 

Jimin huffs, Jungkook's hands wrapping around him as they lay besides each other on his bed. Jimin had felt bad for hours, something clearly bothering his stomach. Although no matter how hard he had tried to get the pain and discomfort to go away, nothing seemed to help. The noises coming from his stomach were not helping him either, only making him feel more embarrassed as he began to feel even more uncomfortable by all the movement going on in his stomach.

He wanted to cry with frustration, not to mention how gassy he was. No matter what he did he never found any relief at all, Jungkook starting to get concerned at how sick Jimin looked. "Do you want to try Laxatives hyung?" Jungkook whispered, his face buried in Jimin's shoulder.

"Apparently the side effects are bad, I'm not sure Kook" Jimin was hesitant, having read bad things about laxatives online. "But hyung they might help, can you try to take them for me?" Of course Jimin couldn't resist Jungkook so he softly nodded, watching as Jungkook smiled before going to get some laxatives out of their medicine cupboard.

Once Jimin has taken them they go back to cuddling, waiting to see if they help in any way, both of them desperately wanting Jimin to feel some sort of relief.

However Jimin was right, laxatives definitely weren't the best idea Jungkook had ever had. "I'm sorry hyungie, I thought they would help" The younger looks at Jimin with teary eyes. "I-It's ok Kook, It will help afterwards." He groans afterwards, another wave spilling out of him.

Jungkook bites his lip, not fully convinced. His heart hurts seeing Jimin in so much pain, his hair wet from sweat as it sticks to his forehead. Jungkook holds onto Jimin's clammy hands as he whispers words of encouragement, watching nervously wondering when he was going to be finished. His stomach bubbles hotly, a wet fart escaping him and then another cramp followed by another wave of liquid that poured out of him.

He whimpered, a tear escaping his eye as Jungkook quickly reached out to brush it away not being able to handle seeing Jimin cry. "Are you ok hyungie?" He asks after a while of silence. Jimin sniffed looking up at Jungkook with teary eyes before responding with a whine as another cramp hit him. Jungkook's heart aches in sympathy as he draws shapes on Jimin's back, soothing him as best as he could.

Once Jimin's stomach had finally decided to give him a break Jungkook helped him into some fluffy pyjamas, helping him clean up before getting back into bed with him. He hoped that for now that would be the end, no longer wanting to see Jimin in any more pain. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

BTS sickfic requests~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin