Jin - You're our family too

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hi! I'm back again with a Jin fic! This is my longest fic so far! (2,000 words) so I hope you enjoy!

Summary - The members had finally gotten a break. It wasn't just any break, it was their first one in their entire career. All the members had already left, leaving Jin alone in the dorms. He was going to visit his family 2 days after. That Is until he gets the stomach flu. All I can say is, worst timing ever. 

Sickie : Jin

Caretaker : Everyone!

TW : Emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick, food 

The group was currently on a break, all members had gone to spend some time with their family during their time off. The only member still at the dorms was Jin, who was supposed to be arriving at his family's home in two days.

The members were all relieved by having the break, of course they would miss working, however it was nice for them to finally get to relax and spend a good amount of time with their family. The members were always overworked, this being their first break in their whole career.

Jin sighed softly, the dorms feeling strange without the other members there. It was quiet. Too quiet. Jin found himself getting bored easily, the massive area of the dorms feeling empty with only one member there.

He walked down into the kitchen, cooking some breakfast for himself. He realised he had accidentally cooked too much, so used to cooking for the rest of the members. He sat and ate in silence looking at his phone trying to find something to do.

The day went by fairly quickly, the whole time Jin felt off. He was sweating more than normal, his skin flushed pink. However he just shrugged it off, other than that he felt completely fine.

Soon enough he found himself in bed, drinking coffee while reading a book and before he knew it, he was drifting off to sleep.

Though sleeping didn't last long as he woke up only a few hours later feeling terrible. He was hot all over but still shivering, his head pounding slightly and nausea starting to settle in as well.

He whimpered, this was probably the worst he had felt in years or maybe his whole life. He slowly gets out of bed, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard, almost dropping it when a sharp cramp hit his abdomen, making him double over in pain.

He soon recovered, pouring himself a glass of water before quickly going back to his bed. He glanced around his bedroom, spotting his half filled suitcase. Although he wasn't feeling well he still continued packing, needing to get ready for the next day where he will go visit his parents.

Though he soon had to give up, his head started to pound more and the nausea became unbearable. Out of nowhere he gives a sickly burp, bringing up a mouthful of bile. His eyes widen as he tries to hold it in. Though the feeling in his mouth makes him gag, bringing up even more that now splatters onto the floor.

He whimpered, thinking about the mess he will have to clean up. He was too weak to get up, the light making his eyes sore. He continues to retch, sniffling as his eyes begin to water. By the time he's finished his throat hurts and he's staring at the mess on the floor.

A hot tear slips out of his eye, rolling down his face as he tries to think of a solution. He sighed as he got up, grabbing his cleaning supplies before cleaning the mess. He still didn't feel well, slightly queasy.

He jumped as his phone started ringing loudly. He curses under his breath, looking over his shoulder. He stares at the screen for a moment wondering what to do. Jungkook was video calling him.

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