Jiminie - Heartache pt 2

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hii! So this was another request and It's a continuation of the previous writing! This one has a bit more angst but it does have a happy ending so don't worry! I realised I've written quite a lot of Jimin so the next writing will be a different member I promise!  Enjoy reading!

Sickie - Jimin / Taehyung 

Caretaker - Ot7

TW: Panic attacks, Hospitals, seizures

The members had just got off the plane and are now exiting the airport. They had just come back to Korea after doing their world tour. They were glad to be back home. Jimin's heart pain was still bothering him, however it wasn't that bad so he decided to ignore it. He knew it wasn't a good idea and he knew he should call the doctor straight away if he gets the pain again but he couldn't. He thought the pain wasn't that bad, and the group was very busy.

When they exited the airport, they did not get a good greeting at all. There was a big crowd of people, directly running towards Taehyung. Their security guards tried to push the big crowd, but it was becoming difficult because there were so many people there. They surrounded Taehyung.

Taehyung started to panic with so many people surrounding him. He felt like he couldn't breathe as his breaths became more frequent. His hands were shaking, trying to shield himself from the large crowd.

The members soon realised the situation and the state Taehyung was in, they could barely see him through the crowd of people. They rushed forward, trying to help their bandmate but the security guards held them back making sure nobody got hurt.

Taehyung's situation only continued to get worse, his breathing becoming more quicker, to the point where he was barely breathing at all. 'Taehyung!' Shouted Jin, very concerned for the younger.

Before anyone could do anything they heard a thud, seeing Taehyung fall backwards onto the hard concrete. The crowd went almost immediately, running away from the scene. No one went after them, instead running towards Taehyung. 'Hyung!!' Jungkook screamed, holding Taehyung's shoulders.

Jimin started to panic more seeing his best friend in such a bad state. He was so worried for the other, who had just passed out. His breathing started to pick up, feeling lightheaded as every breath he took brought a stronger pain to his chest. It was even worse than last time, not seeming to stop no matter how much he tried.

The members were still crowded around Taehyung, until they saw Jimin. He was pale, looking weak as he shook and swayed on the spot. 'Jimin-ah are you ok? You don't look good..' Jimin squeezed his eyes shut, the pain continuing to attack. Everything hurt. 'Is it your heart again Min?' Asked Jin from besides him. Jimin just choked on a gasp, not being able to talk. 'Yoongi call an ambulance! We need to get Jimin to the hospital.' Yoongi immediately called emergency services, asking for an ambulance.

After a few seconds Jimin felt himself becoming even more lightheaded. He could see black dots appearing everywhere, making it hard to see. Before anything else could happen his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he fell backwards. 'Jiminie!!' Luckily Namjoon was able to catch him before he hit the ground. He gently placed him down on the floor.

'W-what's going on?' The members heard a deep voice say from beside them. It was Taehyung, who had woken up from passing out. 'Jimin passed out, we've got an ambulance on it's way. Are you feeling ok?' Jungkook asked, examining Taehyung.

'I'm ok, don't worry about me' Taehyung replied, he couldn't worry about himself when his best friend passed out. 'We can't help worrying about you Tae, you passed out too' Hobi frowned. 'It's ok, really'

Taehyung felt his eyelids becoming heavy, he was exhausted from the events that had happened in the past half an hour. Jin noticed this, 'its ok Tae, you can go to sleep. You must be tired'. After hearing that Taehyung closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep.

They all heard a gasp escape from Jimin's mouth, his eyes slowly opening. The pain was still there, and it was even worse. He couldn't move or even breathe without being in a big amount of pain.

All of them surrounded Jimin, asking him questions and making sure he was alright. All of them were very concerned. It wasn't until Jimin's body started to shake that made things a lot more serious.

'Jimin?!!' They were all shocked to see Jimin shaking frantically on the floor. 'Move he's having a seizure!!!' Shouted Namjoon, instantly getting Jimin into the recovery position.

After a few minutes the shaking stopped and the seizure seemed to end. Jimin was exhausted, as his eyes started to slowly shut as he fell asleep.

All the members were still in shock, knowing that something must have been seriously wrong with Jimin if he had a seizure. 'When's the ambulance going to get here?! It's been ages.' Said Hobi, annoyed it still hadn't arrived. Jimin needed to go to the hospital quickly.

'I'm not sure' Sighed yoongi, looking at Jimin. 'I-is hyung going to be ok?' they heard Jungkook say in a soft voice, scared for his hyung.

'He'll be fine kook, don't worry' Replied Namjoon, although he wasn't sure Jimin would be fine.

Around half an hour later the ambulance arrived. None of the members had time to complain before Jimin was placed in the ambulance. The other members travelled to the hospital by car, since the ambulance only let one member go with Jimin.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jimin was rushed to the intensive care unit, where he waited for the doctors to prepare for an emergency surgery. All the members waited, becoming anxious as to what may have caused the seizure and whether it was something more serious.

'G-guys what's going on? Is Jiminie ok?' Asked Taehyung, who had just woken up from his sleep.

'He's in the intensive care unit, he'll be in surgery soon' explained Yoongi.

Taehyung immediately felt scared, worried that something would be seriously wrong with Jimin.

After hours of waiting, Jimin was finally out of surgery. The doctor walked up to the boys, explaining what was wrong. 'So it seems as if Jimin's heart got worse, as you already know he had to have emergency heart surgery. Everything went fine and we would like to have him stay at the hospital for a few days or maybe a week depending on how fast he recovers. You can visit him now, as he has just woken up.' The members bowed, mumbling thank yous before rushing to Jimin's hospital room.

'G-guys?' Said Jimin, his body feeling sore from the surgery. Not sure what's going on.

'Jiminie!!' Taehyung rushed to the side of Jimin's hospital bed, he was so happy to see that his friend was better.

'Hi min, how are you feeling?' Asked Yoongi, kneeling beside the bed.

'I-I'm ok, what happened?' He couldn't remember anything that happened.

'You passed out and had a seizure. You had to have surgery. The doctor said you should be able to get out of the hospital in around a week.' Explains Namjoon, smiling softly.

Jimin just nodded, he didn't have the energy to talk.

'We'll let you sleep now, we will be here if you need anything.' Smiled Jungkook, his voice soft and calming.

After hearing that, Jimin fell asleep again. Happy to be with his members that cared so much for him. 

Feel free to request anything! I hope you enjoyed!

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