Too much - Yoongi

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Last one for tonight! Sorry not a lot of updates, I'll come back with more next time :)) 

Sickie : Yoongi 

Caretaker : Namjoon and Seokjin (but 90% of it is Namjoon) 

TW : emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick 

Yoongi sat in his locked studio, staring at the bright screen of his laptop, the only thing that was providing the room with light as he felt himself getting lost in his thoughts for the nth time that night. He was so tired that he wasn't sure what he was doing anymore, desperately trying to get his mixtape done by the end of the month. Although of course he wouldn't admit he was tired, not stopping until someone physically had to.

His ears were filled with the loud knocking coming from outside the studio, sighing as he was definite it would be one of the members coming to convince him to go back to the dorms, not like that was going to happen. Definitely not.

The door opened to reveal Namjoon, who was relieved to see Yoongi after so long although the feeling didn't last long, the leader being hit with a wave of concern as he took in Yoongi's state. Dark circles were under his eyes, his skin paler than usual as he learnt onto the door for support, clearly trying not to fall asleep in the process.

"Hi Hyung, I figured you were hungry so I brought some food." He didn't mention his concern, not wanting to tire him out further. Namjoon was right, Yoongi was starving. When was the last time he ate? He didn't even know himself, not even knowing exactly how long he had been in his studio for.

"Thanks Joon, I am quite hungry actually" he moves out of the way so that Namjoon can enter, placing two bags of takeout on the sofa as he sits down, sorting it all out for Yoongi who has sat back at his desk.

"Let's eat hyung, come over here" He encourages him to move away from the screen despite the strong need Yoongi felt to continue working. They eat for a while, talking about Yoongi's mixtape that had made him stay in the studio for days in the first place.

"I could help if you'd like? It might help take the pressure off of you." Namjoon offered with a small smile as Yoongi nodded. "Yes please, that would be great thank you." The two continue working together, enthusiastically talking about ideas for songs and collaborations that they think would work well.

Although after a while Yoongi could still feel all the food he had eaten previously sir heavily in his stomach as he began to feel slightly nauseous, although he thought it would pass quickly as he brushed it off.

As time passed his stomach continued to churn as it was clearly upset by all the food he had eaten, maybe he had gone a bit too over the top. Though who was to blame him? He hasn't eaten in days.

"Hey hyung, are you ok? You look a bit pale" he comes back to reality when he hears Namjoon's voice, accidentally forgetting he was there for a second before recollecting himself. "Just a bit nauseous joonie. It's not too bad, I'm fine" he tries to convince Namjoon however it sounds more as if he's trying to convince himself, the chances of him throwing up becoming higher as time passes.

"We can take a break hyung? I don't want you to work when sick" Shaking his head, Yoongi ensures he's fine before convincing Namjoon to get back to work and worry less about him. It works for a while until he can't hide the increasing nausea, creeping up alarmingly as he finds himself stuck.

He can feel bile finding its way up his throat as he desperately swallows it back down, although the feeling of the liquid slipping back down his throat is enough to trigger his gag reflex. He silently gags unproductively before saying something before things get progressively worse.

"J-Joonie, I think I'm gonna be s-sick" strangely, admitting it out loud made it all realer as the urgency of the situation grew quickly. "Oh- ok ok hyung, hold on" he hears Namjoon frantically mumble, swearing as he grabs a small plastic bin from the corner of the room and placing it down on Yoongi's lap, just in time for the older to pitch forward with a deep heave that leaves bile splattering at the bottom of the container.

Yoongi's shaking hands grab onto the edge of the bin weakly, Namjoon noticing as he takes yoongi's hand into his own, holding the bin securely with the remaining hand. "J-Joon" He hears Yoongi choke out in between heaves, finally bringing up a large amount of the food he hadn't ate long ago at all as Namjoons heart hurts at yoongi's weak voice, sounding scared.

He squeezes his hand for comfort, "you're fine baby don't worry, you're doing well" he whispers words of encouragement the whole time, wiping his lips softly with a tissue once the older had seemed to finally calm down, his stomach giving him a break as he looks up to Namjoon with teary eyes.

He sniffs, placing his head on Namjoons shoulder as he holds him softly. "My stomach hurts" he complains weakly as he gives up being strong. "Oh I'm sorry baby. It's ok, it'll get better. I'll get Seokjin hyung to pick us up ok? Then you can rest fully" Namjoon explains softly before reaching out to grab his phone, explaining briefly to Seokjin before waiting for him to pick the two of them up.

When Seokjin arrives, he feels Yoongi's forehead that was now covered in at least one layer of sweat. "Oh yoon, you're not well are you?" He pouts, Yoongi whining in reply as that's all he has the energy for before feeling himself get lifted up by Namjoon as they leave to go to the car.

When they get outside it's pitch black, surprising Yoongi as he wonders what the time was. He's closely pressed against Namjoon the whole way back to the dorms, the leader being protective over all the members when they get sick. To no one's surprise, Yoongi manages to fall asleep in the car as he stays close to Namjoons side.

"Hey Hyung, can I sleep in your bed so I can stay with Yoongi? You can sleep in mine." Namjoon whispers as he prepares to carry Yoongi out of the car. "Sure Joonie, call me if you need anything." Soon Yoongi is placed back into his bed, still fast asleep as Namjoon soon joins him, going to sleep after an eventful night. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to request and stay happy <3

BTS sickfic requests~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें