Taehyung - Concert Chaos

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Hi!! I'm back (yes, again). This time I am here with another Taehyung fic! I may have another fic coming out today Just because I have so much I want to write so I'm trying to write all of it over a couple of days so I will probably be doing multiple updates every day for a couple of days because of that! I hope you enjoy!

Sickie - Taehyung

Caretaker - Yoongi (Other members mentioned but mainly Yoongi!) 

TW: emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick! 

The members were currently in the van, on their way to the concert venue for their next concert. The van was quiet, a few members almost hanging off their seats, the seatbelts restraining them from doing so as they slept.

All of them were exhausted, having to practice for weeks for the concerts ahead. They were barely able to get any sleep on the plane, trying to get used to the conditions.

Taehyung looked around the van, hearing mumbles of members practicing their speech. Doing a concert in foreign countries always puts pressure on them. They spent hours making sure their pronunciation was perfect.

They were on their way to perform in Paris. Usually they would have Namjoon to help them with English. However since none of them spoke French, it brought more pressure to them. Though it was fascinating learning a language different to English, laughing at each others attempts to speak French.

After a few long hours they had finally reached the venue, climbing out of the van, half of them still half asleep. They were rushed in, getting a tour of the venue and making sure everything was correct before beginning practise.

Their dance movements were sloppy, wanting to save energy for the actual concert. All of them were used to this by now, but as much as it was familiar, that didn't lessen how much stress it brought to them.

Although practice didn't go too bad, there were a few technical difficulties that were quickly fixed. After all, the practises were to make sure nothing happened during the actual concert, not everything was expected to be perfect.

The venue felt hot and stuffy as the members panted, finally finishing the full run through of the show. They were brought back stage to rest for the remaining time where all the members tried to get as much sleep as possible.

"Taehyung, the concert is starting soon we need to get ready." He was woken up by Jin's voice. He sat up, stretching before looking around the room. All the members were being rushed around by staff, having their makeup and hair done and getting passed their outfits.

He quickly got changed into the first outfit of the night, heading over to get his makeup done. He sighed, feeling more relaxed now that he had a good amount of sleep. After around half an hour the members were being rushed on stage, starting their concert smoothly. Half way through Taehyung started to feel off. Although he just shrugged it off, continuing to perform.

He winced slightly as he felt himself put all his weight on his shoulder during his trick in Dionysus, although he wouldn't let the small injury stop him, as he continued to perform.

It didn't take long before he felt himself feel much worse. His stomach was now churning harshly, flipping around. It became more urgent during Idol, as he stifled a gag that was threatening to come up.

He cursed in his head. Why did idol have to have such complex dancing? He continued to jump around on the stage, ignoring his stomach that urgently protests.

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