Carsick - Jimin + Hobi

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Hi!! I'm back again with the Jimin and Hobi fic I said about, I wrote it as if Hobi has emetophobia so if this makes anyone uncomfortable for whatever reason then please don't read! I just thought I'd put a warning just in case! Thank you and enjoy!

Sickies - Jimin and Hobi

Caretakers - Everyone!

TW : Emeto, anxiety, detailed descriptions of being sick (Please let me know if I missed anything!) 

The members were currently in the van filming bon voyage 4. They hadn't been told exactly where they were going, the location seeming to be a surprise. Jimin groaned, placing down the book that he was reading.

He laid his head on the table, trying to stop the dizziness. However nothing seemed to work. "Does anyone want to swap seats?" Instantly all the members looked in his direction, offering their seats.

"I can swap!" Says Taehyung instantly, already reaching for his seatbelt. "I don't wanna go backwards." Jimin replies weakly, his head still resting on the table. Hobi frowned "I can swap Jiminie!" He says.

"Thanks hyung" Jimin and Hobi swap seats, Hobi nervously looking at Jimin. Of course he was concerned for the younger, but he was more anxious about himself. He was sensitive when it came to a member being sick, tending to get sympathy sick.

He didn't do well with sick, always getting panicked and anxious. He just couldn't help it. His heart started to beat faster as he heard Jimin groan, swapping seats did not make him feel any better.

Jimin was resting his head on the table, watching the reflection on his phone screen as his stomach started to churn. He tried to take his mind off of it, focusing on the phone's reflection. Although nothing seemed to work, he whimpered, wishing he had never read in the car.

He knew he shouldn't have read it, but he was just so bored during the journey, the book seeming to give him something to do curing his boredom. He swallowed as he tried to keep the contents of his stomach down, that were threatening to creep up his throat.

"I really don't feel well" He whimpered, his stomach beginning to flip harshly, making him feel even more nauseous.

Hobi panicked, looking around to try distract himself. Although nothing seemed to work as he heard Jimin gag. The members now handing the younger a plastic bag, the situation becoming much more real.

Hobi took a deep breath, trying to calm his beating heart that pounded against his rib cage. His fingers shot up to fill his ears, trying to block out the sound of Jimin's heaving. Although he could still hear the sounds clearly in the background.

He could hear the members comforting Jimin, surrounding him as he retched loudly. Hobi took a deep breath. A sickly burp leaving his mouth, bringing up a small amount of bile that he quickly swallowed down. His breathing picked up slightly, the situation becoming more urgent.

He barely even registered Jungkook talking to him, a frown on his face as he looked concerned. The members knew how bad he was in these types of situations. "Hyung are you ok?"

Hobi could only shake his head, scared that opening his mouth would only bring more nausea. Jungkook's eyes widen slightly, quickly informing Yoongi who was sat besides him.

Before he knew it another burp escaped him, bringing up a mouthful of sick. He saw Jungkook in front of him, shoving a plastic bag in his hand. He spluttered into the bag, heart hammering in panic.

"It's ok hyung, just breathe your ok" He hears Jungkook softly encourage him, not ignoring the worried glances he receives from Jin and Taehyung who are still assisting Jimin, who is currently dry heaving.

He pants into the plastic bag, saliva falling from his lips. He whimpers as he coughs into the bag, his chest rising repeatedly. This went on for a while, the members seeming surprised at how much he had to bring up.

The members continued comforting him until he seemed to stop, the plastic bag almost filled to the rim with the content of his stomach. He sighs, feeling miserable. His throat hurt, it was scratchy from all the heaving and his skin was flushed pink. His mouth was sickly sour, the awful taste never disappearing. 

Namjoon handed him a water bottle that he hesitantly reached out to grab. He didn't want to risk getting sick again. However after a few encouraging words from Jin, he took a few sips out of the bottle.

"I'm sorry Hobi" He heard Jimin say, who was looking much better. "It's ok Jiminie" He smiled back, trying to convince him that he was fine. He didn't want the younger feeling guilty. The younger couldn't help being carsick. 

The rest of the trip went smoothly, Both Jimin and Hobi feeling much better. Soon they found themselves sitting in a circle inside the cabin they were staying at, playing uno. "UNO!!" Jungkook slapped his last card onto the big pile, his joyful cheers echoing around the room as he realised he had won the game. 

Groans where heard from the members that had lost, demanding a rematch, confident that they can take down Jungkook. All the members ha smiles plastered on their face, no matter how many times they had lost the game. They were happy to be together as one group enjoying each others company as they could finally relax. They were so used to busy schedules, barely having time to say good morning to each other before getting rushed into the van, on the way to practice or an interview.

Although they had run bts to play games together, they were always followed by a camera, always having to be careful about what they do. It was sad but it was the truth. So it was moments like these which were precious to them. It was were they could just be themselves and have fun together, enjoying each others company. It made them closer, even though that seemed almost possible considering how close they already were. 

It didn't take long before the members started to feel sleepy from all the excitement from the game, saying goodnight before falling asleep under the warm covers of their blankets. 

Sorry about the ending (I'm really bad at endings!) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

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