Baby Jiminie

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Hello! Is was a request from Loving_underhil! Please make sure to check out their profile! Their writing is amazing and they deserve all the love they can get! 

Here's the details of this request!

Little - Jimin in baby space!
Caregiver - Taehyung

Plot - Taehyung drops a plate in the kitchen and it scares Jimin a lot and he starts having a panic attack! Then he soon slips into baby space because of it! But don't worry! Caregiver Taehyung will make everything better again! 

This is 100% sfw NOT K!NK OR NSFW

Jimin sits on his bed watching some cute videos of cats as he hears a loud crash from the kitchen, the sound of a plate smashing. He jumped at the loud sound as his heart raced, as he soon remembers that Taehyung is in the kitchen. 'T-tae? Are you ok?' However he gets no reply. His heart starts to beat faster as he tries to call out again, a little louder this time. 'Tae?? Are you there??' He shouts, voice wavering.

'What if he's hurt? What if he passed out on the kitchen floor?' All these thoughts made Jimin panic even more, he couldn't breathe. His breath became quicker and shorter as he tried to calm down. However, all these thoughts only made things worse and soon enough, he started to feel himself slip, further and further until he soon found himself in babyspace.

Jimin babbled to himself, as tears kept falling down, still unsure whether Tae was alright or not. Meanwhile, Taehyung was in the kitchen, picking up the small pieces of glass until he started to hear small cries. He crept up the stairs and entered the bedroom.

There was jimin, curled up in bed shaking as he softly cried and babbled, looking so tiny and small. Taehyung quickly rushed to jimin, picking him up and placing him in his lap. He noticed that Jimin was still panicking, unaware of what was going on around him. Taehyung started to rock Jimin back and forth trying to get him as calm as possible. 'It's oki baby, daddys here! Look, I'm here, I'm ok baby!' Taehyung encouraged Jimin, trying to make sure his breathing becomes normal again.

Taehyung keeps rocking him back and forth, playing with tiny boy's pastel pink hair, soothing him the best he could. Jimin continues to babble along as he calms down. 'You're doing so well baby, should we run you a nice warm bath?' He asks, knowing all he will get is a series of babbles. However, all taehyung needed was excited babbles from the small boy to get his answer.

He carefully lifted the boy up into the bathroom and placed him on the toilet seat as he turned on the tap and started running the bath. He puts in a little stingray toy that tells him the temperature of the bath. He remembers to add some bubble bath and throw some of Jimin's favourite bath toys in. Then, he grabs a big fluffy towel and some fluffy pjs for when jimin gets out of the bath.

When the bath is ready, Taehyung helps jimin out of his clothes and places him in the bath, making sure he is stable. He softly washes Jimin's hair as Jimin babbles and plays with his bath toys. After some playing, Taehyung convinces Jimin to get out of the bath. He wraps jimin in the fluffy towel and helps him dry off and get into his clean pjs.

After that, he carefully picks Jimin up again and lays him down into the soft blankets on his bed. 'I'll be back in a minute baby' he says as he goes downstairs and fills up a bottle with some warm milk and honey. He then grabs Jimin's pacifier and heads back upstairs. He walks in the bedroom to see Jimin, babbling to himself, looking tiny, surrounded by lots of fluffy blankets. He slowly climbs into bed with Jimin and gives him his bottle. 'There you go honey' he says as he places the paci on the table next to him and brings jimin in his arms, cuddling him closely. Jimin is still babbling on about something, Taehyung doesn't know what he's saying, but that's ok. As long as his tiny baby is safe in his arms and free from the cruel world, then that's all that matters.

Thank you for reading! i hope you all enjoyed it and i will be back with another fic very soon! Feel free to request anything! 

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