Yoonkook - Food poisoning

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Hi! I'm back again with a fic I completed yesterday! So enjoy! 

TW: emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick, food

Sickies: Yoonkook

Caretakers: Namjin

"Hyung!!" Jungkook appeared in front of Yoongi's bedroom door. "Yes?" Yoongi replied, looking up from the book he was reading. "I was wondering... since we have a day off tomorrow maybe we could get lamb skewers together?" Jungkook asked. "Sure, I haven't had lamb skewers in a long time." Jungkook's face immediately lit up, his bunny smile showing. "Thank you hyung!!! I can't wait!!" He was practically bouncing with excitement, he never spent that much time with Yoongi outside of work. Usually Yoongi was in his studio working on a song. So to Jungkook this was a big deal.

The next day came around quickly, Jungkook and Yoongi went to their favourite place. "Is the food good Jungkook- ah" Jungkook nods his head, still chewing. The food was always good at this restaurant, which is why it was his favourite.

After they had finished eating, they tipped the staff and went in the car, ready to go back to the dorms. It was half way through the drive when Jungkook started feeling bad. His stomach churned, it could have been car sickness. However, Jungkook rarely ever gets car sickness.He took deep breaths, looking outside the window trying to calm his stomach down. Nothing seemed to help. His heart rate increased as the nausea only seemed to get worse.

"H-hyung I don't feel well" he placed a shaky hand on his stomach. Yoongi looked to his right, seeing Jungkook, who most definitely was sick. He was pale and shaking as sweat started to form on his forehead.

"Hold on, we'll be home soon" yoongi's eyes stayed fixed on the road ahead, as he tried to speed up a little.

However it didn't seem that Jungkook could wait. He closed his eyes shut, his stomach churning harshly. He whimpered as he felt the nausea creep up to his throat. He swallowed thickly, which didn't help at all. In seconds Jungkook felt himself becoming more panicked as he realised that he was seconds away from being sick.

"I-" Jungkook clasped a hand in front of his mouth, the situation becoming much more urgent. Yoongi panicked not knowing what to do. He quickly pulled the car over, stopping on a curb.

Jungkook harshly shoved the car door open, not having enough time to undo his seatbelt. He gagged, a mouthful of sick splattering the concrete. He barely had time to breathe before he heaved, bringing up even more sick. The seatbelt tightly sat across his chest restraining him from moving further away from the car.

Yoongi undid jungkook's seatbelt. His own stomach started to churn, but he wouldn't admit that. "It's ok, you're ok, just breathe kook." He rubbed jungkook's back, comforting the poor boy who was hunched over clinging onto the handle of the car door.

After what seemed like forever Jungkook finally calmed down. His mouth felt sickly sour and his throat throbbed from all the heaving. "Do you think you can handle the rest of the drive?" Yoongi frowned. "Y-yeah hyung, I wanna go home'' Jungkook said almost whimpering, he really wanted to get back home.

Throughout the rest of the car journey, Yoongi felt his stomach getting more stubborn. He started to feel nauseous as he gripped the steering wheel, driving into their driveway. He had to help Jungkook out of the car, the youngest looking exhausted and weak barely able to stand.

"H-hyung i-" They barely got in the dorm before Jungkook was bending down, gagging. "H- jungkook?!" Namjoon appeared in the hallway surprised to see the maknae bent over. Without another word Namjoon ran into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a bowl before returning. He placed the bowl underneath Jungkook's chin, who automatically gripped the bowl hard enough to make his fingers turn white.

It wasn't long at all until Jungkook gave a deep heave, a mouthful of sick hitting the bottom of the plastic bowl. He heaved again, bringing up a mixture of lamb skewers and bile. "It's ok Kook, you'll feel better once you've got it all up" Comforted Namjoon, his hand placed on Jungkook's shoulder.

Meanwhile Yoongi's stomach couldn't calm down. The sounds of Jungkook retching made his mouth water. He consistently swallowed, trying to stifle a gag. In the background he could hear Jungkook dry heaving, making his stomach churn harshly.

He felt sick crawling up his throat ready to escape his mouth. Instantly he panicked and harshly slapped his hand over his mouth, running to the nearest bathroom. Namjoon stayed still, wondering whether to stay with Jungkook (who was still dry heaving) or run after Yoongi.

"Hey kook calm down, you're finished ok? Just breathe" He sighed, rubbing his hand up and down Jungkook's back trying to calm him down. "Jin - hyung!!" He shouted, needing another member to go check on Yoongi.

He heard quick footsteps as he saw Jin appear "What's wrong?" Concern filling his voice as he saw the youngest was sick. "I need you to go check on Yoongi, he's sick too" Namjoon explained the situation quickly.

Without another word Jin walked to the bathroom, finding Yoongi bent over the toilet gasping. "You're ok, just get it all up" Jin spoke softly, playing with Yoongi's hair to try and distract him.

Yoongi kept heaving, bringing up multiple mouthfuls of sick that spluttered into the toilet. "You're really sick aren't you" Jin sighed. 'I- I think it was the l- lamb skewers' Yoongi said in between heaves. "Hmmm I think you're right, I think it's food poisoning.'' Jin explained, worried for the two members. Food poisoning wasn't serious, but it definitely wasn't pleasant.

After a couple of minutes Yoongi seemed to calm down. Jin moved him into their shared bedroom, laying him down on his bed. He placed a bowl next to the bed and went to the kitchen to grab a wet cloth and thermometer. It seemed that Yoongi had a fever.

While in the kitchen, Jin ran into Namjoon and Jungkook who were sitting on the couch, Jungkook looking exhausted. "Do you want to move Jungkook to mine and Yoongi's room? He can lay in my bed." Offered Jin, having both of the sickies in the same room will make it easier to monitor them and look after them.

"Ok, I'll move kook now." Replied Namjoon, moving Jungkook into Yoongi and Jin's bedroom, placing him on the bed like Jin had told him to do.

A couple of minutes later Jin came into the room making both of the members take their temperature. Jin frowned, "they both have a fever of 39C." "So it must be food poisoning" sighed Namjoon, looking at the two sick members who were now asleep. "Yep, I'll stay with them for the night to make sure nothing happens. I'll Just share my bed with Kook" Jin explained. He wouldn't want one of the members being sick without him knowing.

"Are you sure hyung? Taking care of two sick people is a lot of work.." Namjoon frowned, not wanting Jin to be overwhelmed. "It's ok I've got this, I'll call you if I need any help." Jin smiled. "Ok hyung, good luck" Namjoon walked out of the room, going to inform the other members about the situation.

Jin sighed, climbing in bed with Jungkook. He looked pale as sweat covered his forehead. This was going to be a long couple of days. 

I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request! 

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