Taehyung - Stomach bug

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Hello! I know I said that I would do the older members, however I haven't written Taehyung yet and I already had a fic idea for him so here you go! Wow I've updated three times today, I think I've just been in the mood to write! I hope you enjoy! 

Sickie : Taehyung

Caretaker : Jimin

TW: mentions of food, emeto, detailed description of being sick!

The members were currently at dance practice, it had been a very long day. Their schedule had been completely full, as they had a lot of work to do. Taehyung was specifically exhausted, occasionally stumbling over his own feet or accidently bumping into one of the members in the middle of a routine.

Although the members didn't say anything, as they found themselves guilty of doing this too. They were all exhausted and it showed. It seemed as their dance teacher noticed this, sending them home early so they could get some rest before their next concert that was in a few days.

"Alright, you can all go home now. Thank you for your hard work" All the members sighed in relief, instantly bowing to their teacher before packing their things up to head home.

Taehyung sighed, taking big gulps of water from his bottle. This was probably a bad decision, as he felt his stomach churn soon after. But he brushed it off, walking out of the studio, on his way back to the dorms.

When he got back he found himself instantly heading to his bedroom, not even bothering to get changed before passing out on his bed. He instantly fell asleep as his head hit the soft pillows that were placed on top of the bed.

He was rudely woken up hours later by his stomach churning harshly. He shivered violently as he realised he had fallen asleep on top of his blankets. He was still in his clothes from earlier, however he soon forgot about that, as he didn't have the energy to change.

He quickly crawled under the covers, wanting to stop shivering. Although as much as he had stopped shivering he couldn't seem to go to sleep. His stomach distracted him, as he began to feel more nauseous at every flip his stomach took.

He whimpered, hiding under the covers as his hand came up to rest on top of his stomach, trying to get it to calm down. However nothing worked and he soon felt more nauseous than ever.

The situation became more urgent as his stomach flipped. He stifled a gag, his hand rising up to cover his hand as he quietly got out of bed. He switched the bathroom light on, blinking a few times to get used to the light. Kneeling himself in front of the toilet, he silently gagged.

He tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to disturb the other members from their sleep. However it was becoming hard as he heaved particularly loud, nothing seeming to come out.

He gripped the side of the toilet, the tips of his fingers turning white from the force. He forcely swallows as he feels bile rush up his throat, his lips pressed shut. A hot tear rolled down his face, he felt so bad.

Keeping quiet apparently didn't work because before Taehyung could even breathe, he heard someone walking closer and closer to the bathroom he was in. "Taehyungie? Are you ok?" He heard Jimin's soft voice whisper. His eyes widened, was he really being that loud?

"Can you open the door?" Jimin continued talking when he hadn't answered. Hesitantly Taehyung reached forward, opening the door for Jimin.

"Oh Tae" Jimin coos as he walks into the bathroom. Taehyung had re positioned himself, hunching over the toilet once again. "I-I don't feel well Jiminie" He whined, the nausea never going away.

"I know Tae it's ok, you'll be ok" Jimin rubbed his back softly, comforting him. He gives a deep heave, a mouthful of sick splattering into the water. He barely had time to breathe as another heave over took his body, his head diving into the toilet bowl with the force. He splutters and coughs as a mixture of bile and a protein bar continues to flow out of his mouth.

"You're doing great, it will be over soon Taetae'' Jimin comforts softly, though he seems concerned as Taehyung shows no sign of slowing down. His throat ached from all the heaving, and his knees hurt from the hard floor beneath.

He retched, continuing to bring up anything that was in his stomach. He sobbed between heaves wanting it to stop. This continued for a couple of minutes, before he found himself dry heaving. "Taetae, you're done now, calm down" Jimin cooed, trying to get Taehyung to calm down.

It didn't take long until Taehyung was calm. He was still shaking from the past events, his mouth sour and his legs felt like jelly. Jimin helped him walk to his bedroom, getting a wet cloth and a bowl.

He placed the bowl on the side, laying the wet towel on Taehyung's forehead, hoping it will help calm his fever down. The younger was still shivering, as Jimin climbed in the bed under the covers.

"Jiminie you'll get sick" Taehyung whined weakly, not wanting to be the reason Jimin was sick. "That's ok, I don't mind" He replied, moving closer to Taehyung, wrapping his arms around him. Taehyung gave up, melting in Jimin's warm embrace as they both slowly drifted off to sleep. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

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