Jin - Snz

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Hello! I'm back again! I hope everyone had a good valentine's day , whether you were celebrating it with someone or alone, or not at all! I'm back with a Jin snz fic because Jin is the only one I haven't written yet! Again, I should be able to get another fic published by either today or tomorrow since I have a lot of ideas that I am planning on writing! Just a quick note, Most of my works will include or mention food so please be aware of that! I will definitely put a TW at the start if this is the case, but just wanted to make sure you know! Also, I think this is the longest fic I have wrote so far! Thank you and enjoy reading! 

Sickie - Jin

Caretakers - Everyone

TW : Mentions of food 

"Hyung! Wake up we have a meeting!" Jin groaned softly, slowly sitting up as he checked his phone for the time. It was only 6:30 am. In Jin's opinion that was quite early. He sighed, getting out of bed and picking an outfit to wear for the day.

He went to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. He looked in the mirror and frowned, he didn't look too great. His skin looked pale and his face was flushed pink. He shrugged, he felt fine so he thought it was nothing to question or worry about.

His eyes feel strained from the lack of sleep he had got and his muscles felt sore from hours of practice the previous day.

After around half an hour he was sat in the van with all the other members, on their way to their meeting. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he was told the meeting was almost 4 hours long. That was the longest meeting he had ever had in his career.

He tried to rest in the van, still trying to get his eyes used to the bright light. Though it seems hard to get rest when the van was so loud. He could hear the members having multiple conversations among themselves, laughing as they joked around with each other.

Jin soon gave up trying to get rest, instead going on his phone to check social media. He cursed as a battery warning popped up. He realised he was so tired last night that he forgot to charge his phone. He quickly slipped his phone back into his pocket, instead looking out of the window.

Soon the members had arrived at the meeting, already dreading it. It wasn't even 5 minutes in and the members had already started to lose focus, wanting to go back to the dorms and rest.

Jin began to feel worse, his nose felt like it was on fire and his throat became scratchy. Every breath irritated his nose more and more. He felt his nose gradually close, becoming blocked up. It made it harder to breathe as he softly panted, breathing through his mouth instead.

His nose itched with each breath he took, becoming more urgent after a particularly breath set his nose off. "A-Ah'tshiewww!! hihi'TshiEW!!" "S-Sor-Ah'ShieW" "S-sorry" He sniffed, embarrassed to sneeze in front of so many people. He received a few mumbled "bless yous" Before the meeting carried on.

Though Jin's nose didn't stop there, he sniffed a few times, the urge to sneeze becoming stronger. "Hi'ShieW! Hihi'TsHIEW! Nxg'Shieww!" His head almost banged on the table with the force as his hands shot out to cover his nose.

He blushed slightly, even more embarrassed than before. "Are you feeling ok?" Questioned someone from the meeting "O-oh I'm fine re- Hi'TshIEW A-AH'TshIEW" "S-sorry i'm fine thank you."

Although the sudden outburst said differently. The staff member frowned, but didn't bother questioning further as they continued with the meeting. He couldn't ignore the members' concerned looks as he continued to sniffle, his eyes becoming watery. He felt like he couldn't breathe, he just wanted to be home in bed.

BTS sickfic requests~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt