Taehyung - massage

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Hi, I'm back! This was a request I received from tumblr so I hope you enjoy! 

Sickie - Taehyung

Caretaker - Yoongi

TW : Emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick, food 

Taehyung took a deep breath, resting his chin on his hand as he looked out the window seeing multiple vehicles drive past. The members were currently on the way back to their hotel. They had gone out for lunch to celebrate the end of their concert like they usually did.

Taehyung's stomach aches slightly, the movement of the van not helping as he continues staring out of the window distracting himself. Thankfully his stomach decided to give him a break as he managed to get through the car ride without feeling nauseous.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel he went to his room, sitting on his bed. He knew he should've been doing something more productive, although the increasing churning of his stomach made that almost impossible.

Even the slightest movement only made him feel worse, his stomach harshly rolling. He was noticeably bloated. Thankfully not too much although it was enough to make him uncomfortable. He sat there for a while, every minute that passed only made him more nauseous. He climbed out of his bed heading to Yoongi hoping he would have a solution like he usually does.

When he gets up he's swaying slightly, using the wall for support as he continues to walk. He knows he probably looks just as awful as he feels. He reached Yoongi's hotel room quickly, thanking himself for not forgetting what number he was staying in.

He knocks hearing Yoongi's deep voice reply, the door creaking slightly as he enters the room. Yoongi tosses his phone aside which lightly bounces on the bed. "Hyung I don't feel well" He really hoped he hadn't caught a bug, not wanting to be sick during their world tour.

Yoongi takes a moment to examine him. He definitely did look sick. His face was pale, tinted green. "Was it something you ate?" He frowns. Then it hit Taehyung. He had eaten something new for lunch, something he had never eaten in the past. He let out a surprised noise before answering.

"I ate a new meal for lunch, I think that's why." It takes Yoongi a little longer to reply, wondering what to do until an idea pops into his head. He recalls reading an article stating that an abdominal massage would help with nausea and digestion.

"I saw something online saying that an abdominal massage would help, I could give you one if you would like?" He offered. Usually he wasn't the type of person to give physical affection and massages, however he wanted to help Taehyung knowing that he was feeling bad.

Taehyung looked slightly surprised by the offer, nodding. "You should lie down" Yoongi speaks softly, moving his phone out the way to create room for Taehyung. When he is layed down and ready Yoongi lifts his shirt up slightly.

He begins the massage making sure to do as the article said, being careful not to accidentally cause Taehyung any discomfort. It did feel comforting, the soft touch making him relax. Although he couldn't say it helped with the nausea, his stomach still angrily churning.

He found it beginning to get worse. The pressure was nice at first but now it only made him feel more nauseous. He panicked slightly feeling his mouth salivate. He swallows forcefully, forcing it back down his throat.

He couldn't find the courage to tell Yoongi to stop. He took a deep breath, stifling a gag as a strong wave of nausea hit him. "Hyung I don't think this is working" He said shakily, becoming more urgent. Yoongi looked up at him, frowning. "Why? A-" He was interrupted by a gag, his eyes widening as he moved backwards helping Taehyung sit up.

Another gag left him, bringing up a small amount of sick. He's hit with another wave of nausea, this time stronger. "You're ok Tae" Yoongi whispers as he retches, continuing to bring up a mixture of his lunch and bile. Yoongi rubs his shoulder, silently comforting him. "I don't get why it didn't work" He frowned, wincing at the sounds leaving Taehyung's mouth as he continues to throw up.

The younger's eyes widen slightly with realisation. "I'm sorry hyung, I've messed up your bed" He whines, sniffling as he feels the familiar droplets of tears fall down his face, tasting the salty liquid as it hits his mouth. "No, no don't worry about it Tae-ah. I can clean it, it's not a problem" Yoongi comforts. He always hated seeing one of the members cry.

Taehyung states down at his lap panting as he had seemed to calm down. "Are you finished?" Yoongi almost whispers. "Yes" he croaked out in reply, his own voice startling him. "I'll be right back. I just need to get a glass of water." He gives Taehyung a small smile before walking out of the room.

Taehyung sighs, seeing Yoongi disappear from his sight as he lies back down. He barely even realises his eyes beginning to close, his vision slowly turning black. After a couple of minutes Yoongi enters the room chuckling as he sees Taehyung snoring lightly.

He places down the glass of water deciding he will give it to Taehyung later before getting new bed sheets, being careful not to move the bed too much in fear of waking Taehyung up as he cleans the bed. He then exits the room again, not wanting to disturb Taehyung. He informs Jin about what had happened, who had surprisingly not heard anything. The older told Yoongi to order soup. Usually Jin would make the soup, however being in the hotel meant that he didn't have the ingredients with him.

Yoongi had waited a while before ordering it, wanting Taehyung's stomach to completely calm down before eating again. After a couple of hours Taehyung was woken up by the cluttering of bowls. He rubbed his eyes quite harshly, blinking as he tried to get used to the light. Yoongi placed the bowl of soup beside him. He jumps slightly seeing Taehyung look at him, not realising he was awake already. "Yah, you scared me." He chuckled, watching as Taehyung giggled. "Sorry hyung." He sits up slowly.

"I got you some soup, do you think you'll be able to take it?" Yoongi questions, hoping that Taehyung would say yes. He hesitantly looks at the bowl before answering. "I can try" Yoongi smiles at this, bringing the bowl to him and placing it on his lap.

Taehyung takes a few spoonfuls, the hot liquid helping soothe his throat that was aching from all the heaving he had done. The flavour of the soup was refreshing, getting rid of the vile taste of bile that had sat in his mouth previously.

He didn't eat much, not wanting to risk being sick again. He sighed, placing down the spoon that clattered slightly as it hit the bowl. "I'm finished thank you hyung" He watched as Yoongi nodded, feeling the heat that was radiating off the bottom of the bowl disappear from his lap as Yoongi moves the bowl.

He could feel the nausea lingering, although the feeling was overtook by exhaustion. He felt as if he hadn't slept in days even though he had been asleep only 30 minutes ago. He yawns, making his jaw ache slightly at the force. Yoongi notices this quickly. "You should go to sleep Taehyung-ah, It's been a long day."

He smiles widely realising that Taehyung's eyes were already closed. He picks up his book from the side, turning the page which feels slightly grainy underneath his fingers. He chuckles softly at the sound of Taehyung snoring in the background, the younger getting the amount of rest he needs. 

Thank you fore reading! I hope you enjoyed and stay safe! 

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