Sick Joonie

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Hi everyone!! Oh my, It's been so long! I wanted to thank you for being so patient and for giving me 20.6k reads!! I was shocked when I logged on and saw that. Thank you so much <333 I hope everyone's staying safe and happy! I'm working through requests since I now have a month free so I hope to get everyone's requests out soon! For now, have sick Joonie and caregiver Yoongi :))

Sickie : Namjoon

Caretaker : Yoongi

TW : Emeto, detailed descriptions of being sick 

Namjoon's stomach made all sorts of noises, the contents sloshing around as it was clear to be upset. He whimpered, unsure of what to do or who to go to. Usually when he was sick he would keep it to himself. However this time he had a strange, random need for affection as he seeked physical affection. He looked around his room until his eyes settled on the clock hanging on the wall, reading the time. 12:30 am. He wondered what to do, making his mind up after a few minutes of thinking.

Quickly, he climbed out of bed, his stomach rolling harshly at the action, making Namjoon groan quietly. He made his way to Yoongi's bedroom as he knew he would still be awake for at least a few more hours. The two of them were particularly close after knowing each other for such a long time, everyone knew this.

Soon enough Namjoon found himself standing outside Yoongi's bedroom, knocking softly as he made sure not to disturb anyone else. "Come in" a familiar voice said as he did just that, opening the door that creaked slightly before shutting it behind him. He glanced over to Seokjin's bed that was on the other side of the room, empty. Him and Jimin likely went out to get extra dance practice, like they did most nights.

His attention landed back on Yoongi, who was looking at him with a confused face, a small brown book in his right hand. Namjoon didn't even think before walking up to him, sitting on his lap before Yoongi had even got a chance to ask why he was in his bedroom.

Yoongi froze for a few seconds, putting down the book that he was previously engrossed in as he got used to the sudden weight in his lap before realising that something had to be wrong for Namjoon to want affection. "Hey Joonie, are you ok?" He got a groan in reply, making him more concerned before waiting for an answer.

"Yoongi hyung my stomach hurts, i feel nauseous" He whines as his cheeks turn a light pink, blushing slightly at the attention. "Aw, it's ok Joonie. Do you want to go to the bathroom honey?" He shakes his head in reply, clinging onto Yoongi tighter, showing signs of fear. The older nods in understanding although slightly concerned as he didn't want Namjoon to accidentally be sick in the room.

"Hyung?" Yoongi hums in response. "Can you read to me please?" Namjoon asks in a quiet voice, his head buried in Yoongi's chest as his hands continue to hold onto the thick fabric of this jumper. "Of course Joonie" Yoongi replies, smiling softly as he picks up the book he had abandoned a few minutes ago.

He starts reading slowly, the soft deep voice Namjoon was so used to echoed through the large bedroom as Yoongi could feel the younger of the two relax in his arms after hearing him.

Although Namjoon didn't relax for long as his attention was once again put back on his stomach. Unfortunately, the nausea only seemed to increase every minute as his stomach harshly churn. His body jumped as a deep burp left him, grimacing as it left his mouth tasting disgustingly sour. He shifted uncomfortably in Yoongi's lap, who realised quickly. "Hey Joonie, you ok?" Namjoon whined, sniffing as he breathed deeply through the nausea. The lack of response left Yoongi worried as he placed the book aside once again.

"Would you like to go to the bathroom now baby?" The feeling of Namjoon's head nodding against his chest was enough for Yoongi as he carefully tried to move the two of them, trying to relocate them to the bathroom. "Joonie, can you-" His sentence was cut off by a not so quiet gag, his heart rate picking up as he desperately looked around the room. "Ah, ok hold on Joonie, hyung will get you something" He mumbles as he spots a small bin underneath the wooden desk, belonging to Seokjin.

He figured that the oldest wouldn't mind, it was either that or Namjoon would be sick on the bed. Namjoon could feel himself being softly pushed off of Yoongi's lap, whining in protest as the noise was cut off by yet another gag as he held back.

In a matter of seconds he found himself panting over a plastic bin, the contents of his stomach continuously sloshing around, adding onto the never ending nausea. He pitched forward with a sudden gag, one harsh enough to bring his dinner back up as it heavily hit the bottom of the bin.

"Just get it up Joonie, That's it baby, you're ok" Yoongi plays with his hair, stroking it as he holds it out of his face at the same time. His throat burned as he continued to bring the sour liquid up, choking and coughing in between. Yoongi watches him helplessly as the only thing he can do is bring comfort to the sick man. None of the members got sick often, however after years of knowing each other, Yoongi had learnt how to comfort Namjoon.

He reached over, leaning to the side slightly as he grabbed a handful of tissues before handing them to Namjoon who thankfully took them. He wiped his mouth quickly before staring down at his lap where the bin had been placed.

"Don't stare at it Joon, it'll make you feel worse. Do you think you're finished?" There was a small pause before Namjoon gave a reply. "I think so.." He croaked out, his voice hoarse due to being sick. "Ok, I'll be back in just a minute, ok?" Namjoon felt the urge to call out as Yoongi started to walk out of the room, however he couldn't find the energy to do so.

Fortunately, Yoongi returned quickly with a glass of water in his hand and a small comforting smile on his face. Namjoon took the glass with shaky hands, Yoongi still holding it steady just in case as he took a few sips of the cool liquid. Also it didn't help with getting rid of the sour taste left in his mouth, it soothed Namjoon's sore throat as it sat heavily in his stomach.

"Can you..Can you read again please hyung?" He hesitated as he didn't want to ask too much from Yoongi, after what he had put him through. "Sure Joonie" The smile on Yoongi's face made Namjoon relax as he returned back into his lap, this time his stomach more settled, giving him the opportunity to fully focus on Yoongi's voice. Namjoon hadn't even realised he was falling asleep until he had, softly snoring as Yoongi's arms stayed wrapped around him throughout the night, bringing him warmth and safety. 

Thank you for reading!! I hope you're staying safe and happy and feel free to request!! <3

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