Jungkook - upset stomach

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Hi! I'm sorry for being gone for a while, I had to go to the hospital and have some tests done on me. So I'm sorry about that, I hope everyone is staying safe. Here's a short fic I'm sorry if it seems rushed It didn't take that long to write. I hope you enjoy! 

Note : This wasn't my idea. Credits go to whoever came up with it ( Visit my tumblr : sickiemin to see where the idea came from!) Also thank you so much for 2.3k reads! I'm really glad people enjoy reading my fics. 

Sickie - Jungkook

Caretaker - Yoongi 

TW : none (Basically Jungkook just having a upset stomach) 

"Alright we're on in 5!" Jungkook had heard a staff member shout, being crowded by stylists as they fix his hair and makeup. The members were currently attending an interview which truthfully none of them wanted to attend. Especially Jungkook.

His stomach had felt off the night before, bloated and cramping and now it was even worse. How he wished he could be back at the dorms, buried under blankets. But no instead he was at an interview.

"3...2...1.....Filming!!" He huffed before putting on the best fake smile he had. He found it hard to concentrate barely speaking throughout the interview only answering simple questions. His stomach was so bloated the waistband on his trousers tightly pressing against his stomach making him feel even worse. His stomach cramping, a sharp stabbing pain attacking his abdomen.

His eyebrows furrow in discomfort. He desperately wanted to tell one of the members although he was in an interview not being able to talk to them directly. So instead he resorted to something else. He moved his hand to his right holding onto Yoongi's hand who was sitting besides him. The older seemed quite startled by the action though he didn't say or do anything.

Jungkook fiddled with Yoongi's fingers playing with them as he tried to distract himself from the pain and discomfort in his stomach. His fingers move, tracing patterns into Yoongi's palms.

Yoongi soon caught on realising that he was feeling unwell. The signs were clear. He was pale, his skin flushed a light pink looking uncomfortable as he panted through the pain. Unfortunately they were in an interview meaning Yoongi couldn't do much.

He continued to let Jungkook play with his hands chuckling along with the members occasionally. They were at the back so it was hard to notice them, no one really paying attention.

The interview was painfully long. Jungkook just wanted it to end. He felt so bad and not being able to do anything about it was killing him. "Andddd cut!" He practically deflates in relief hearing the director signal that the interview had ended.

The members said their goodbyes before heading to the van. Jungkook climbs in, Yoongi following behind him. He sits down quickly the movement only bringing more cramps. Out the corner of his eye he spots Yoongi who's moving closer to him.

He sits besides Jungkook being the only member who had known about the younger's discomfort. "Are you ok Kook?" He speaks softly, not wanting to catch any of the members attention.

"Hyung my stomach hurts" He whines quietly his hand coming up to lay on his stomach. It's rock hard underneath his palm bulging. "It's ok kookie, we're almost home" Yoongi comforted him.

Yoongi was right as in less than 5 minutes they had returned back to the dorms. All the members were loud, laughing and talking among themselves as they entered the dorms all going off to do their own things.

Yoongi guided Jungkook to his bedroom, the younger still in immense pain. Without saying a word he walked to the younger's wardrobe picking out baggy clothes. "Here jungkookie change into these. That outfit must be uncomfortable." Jungkook thanked him before walking off to the bathroom, getting changed into the outfit Yoongi had picked out.

He almost falls over as a sharp cramp hits his abdomen holding onto the sink for balance. It hurt tremendously as he whimpered taking a few seconds to recover before exiting the bathroom. "You should go to sleep Kook, you look exhausted." Yoongi comments, placing his phone down. Jungkook just nodded climbing into bed. He sighed softly at the softness of the mattress.

"Would you like me to stay with you?" Yoongi offers knowing the maknae liked to have one of his hyungs with him when he was unwell. Jungkook nods again feeling the bed dip under Yoongi's weight as he climbs beside him.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, contemplating whether to ask Yoongi to rub his stomach. He needed the comfort right now the soft touch would soothe his raging stomach. He decided to just go for it. "H-Hyung could you maybe-" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Yoongi replied already knowing what the younger wanted.

"Of course Kookie" He mumbled softly his hand reaching out to hold his bloated stomach. He instantly melted in the warm touch of his hand, his eyes beginning to slowly close as he became sleepy.

"Thank you hyung" He slurs before closing his eyes completely, slowly but surely drifting off to sleep in Yoongi's embrace. 

Thank you for reading I hoped you enjoyed! I should be able to get another fic out by today so please look forward to that. Stay safe! 

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