Into the forest

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I grabbed my fellow prophecy children and Sam, and we ran over to a hut to get our scrolls.

"Are we gonna stick together?" Emily asked.

"Of course." I relied.

"What if we can't all get scrolls in time?" Sam asked.

"Trust me, I've got a flawless method."

"What is it?" Kara asked.

"Maria will find enemies- not from the leaf- and lead us to them. From there, Adrienne will tell us if they have earth Scrolls since we both have heaven. I will tell them to give us their scroll. if they refuse, Sam will catch them with his shadow possession jutsu so that they can't move. Kara will run up to them and snatch their scrolls. I will then use a Genjutsu that will cause them to faint until we are done." I said. "What do you think sam? you are the smart one."

"Sounds good." He said. "But why don't you just use Genjutsu from the beginning and force them to give you their scrolls?"

"Why didn't I just say 'Orochimaru will drop dead and never come back to life again'? because that's boring."

"Good point."

We entered the forest.

"Byakugan." I said to Maria.

She activated her Tenseigan.

"Over there." she pointed us in a random direction. "About 500 yards."

We ran in the direction she was pointing. We reached the target in about 15 seconds.

"Do they have the earth scroll?" I asked Adrienne. She activated her rinnegan.

"No." She said. "They have heaven."

"What now?" Sam asked.

"We could fight them for the fun of it." I said to him.

"Nah" Adrienne responded. "That takes to much energy."

We were about to leave when, unfortunately, the enemy team noticed our presence. They threw a few Kunai at us.

"This is such a drag." I muttered. I got up from out behind the bush. I put my arm out and held my hand as if I was holding a cup.

"What're you doing?" Kara asked me.

"Force choke." I squeezed my hand inward while activating the force. The enemy began grasping at their necks.

"ITS JUST GENJUTSU!!!" One of them screamed.

"If only it were." I released my grasp and they all fainted.

"Wait a second..." emily said. "You can use the force?"

"I can pretty much do whatever I want." I reminded her. "I'm omnipotent."

Maria activated her Tenseigan. "Over there!" She shouted. "About 500 feet."

I was too lazy to run, so I poofed us all over there.

"They have earth scrolls." Adrienne confirmed.

"Okay, then we have to jump out in front of them." I told them. We jumped out from behind the tree we were hiding behind. It was some random group from the village hidden in the mist.

"Give us your scroll." I demanded. They just laughed.

"Why don't you give us your scroll?" One of the guys smirked.

"Go sam."

San caught them with a shadow possession jutsu.

"What is this?" a girl from their team shouted.

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