Time to Train

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Lily's POV

I walked over to the river where we were going to meet Jiraiya for our training. Adrienne came with me. We were both still wearing our crop tops. When I saw Naruto I was surprised that he was around my height until I remembered that I dropped a foot off of our heights before the chunin exams. I figured it would be weird for us to all be so tall compared to everyone else our age. I'm not used to being this short. It's weird.

When Jiraiya arrived, he started talking to Naruto about chakra and red chakra versus yellow chakra and blah blah blah. I didn't pay much attention. It was when he said something about Naruto's red chakra being "special only to him" or whatever that I laughed a little.

"What's so funny?" Jiraiya and Naruto asked at the same time.

"It's just... Minato, Kushina, and Kurama..." I continued laughing but I did notice Naruto's eyes momentarily flicker into his nine-tails slit thingies. I don't know how to describe them.

Jiraiya looked as if he was going to ask me something, but Naruto interrupted. "I felt the red chakra!" Naruto exclaimed.

"How did you get it to come to you?" Jiraiya asked excitedly.

"I don't know. Hota- Lily was talking, and then, bam!" Naruto waved his arms in the air to demonstrate the bam. I giggled.

"I guess Kurama still isn't used to hearing his name. You'd think I would have said it enough by now..." I looked straight at Naruto and his eyes flashed again.

"Who's Kurama?" Jiraiya asked. "What do you mean?"

"Spoilers." I said in my best river song impression. "speaking of spoilers, Adrienne, is the next part of Naruto out yet?"

"I don't know. I had been checking but my phone died. They don't have any apple chargers here so I couldn't charge it."

"I guess we'll have to find a computer here."

"Can we get back to our training now?" Naruto asked.

"Okay." Jiraiya replied.

Jiraiya talked to Naruto some more about his chakra and blah blah blah. I still don't care. Me and Adrienne just had a conversation about the next part of Naruto. The only thing u really cared about was getting summoning animals.

"Should we actually try to summon animals?" Adrienne asked me.

"No. I'm fairly certain that Jiraiya doesn't know to what extent we have unlocked our ability. We should let him throw us into the canyon thing with Naruto." I replied.


Jiraiya started talking to Naruto about summoning and what not, so me and Adrienne started to pay attention. He sent Naruto off to go get rid of his chakra and pulled out scrolls for me and Adrienne.

"I've been monitoring you girls as you fight." Jiraiya said. "Hanabira I believe will be good with lions for a summoning animal. Hotaru will use bats."

"Bats?" I asked. "How are bats useful?"

"I thought you would ask that." Jiraiya began. "These are special bats. When fully grown they can breathe ice fire. And they are huge."

"Ice fire?" I asked.

"It's blue fire that turn to ice when it hits things." Adrienne answered.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I don't think that you girls will be able to summon the big ones quit yet, but with some time you may be able to use enough of your chakra to get a good one." Jiraiya said. So I suppose he doesn't know our full ability.

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