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We followed Kakashi up to the roof to do our introductions. Sakura, being the dummy that she is in part one, needed Kakashi to go first. Then naruto, sakura, and sasuke. Now it's finally my turn.

"I like, ramen, ninja stuff, itachi, minato, and tobi." I started. "I don't like sasuke, lazy bums, or idiots. My dreams are to stop sasuke from killing Itachi and... doing something else. My hobbies are swimming, being a ninja, and music."

Sasuke glared at me at the mention of his brother. Kakashi and jiraiya looked confused at the mention of "tobi". when I said I liked ramen, Naruto perked up. Upon the mention of me not liking sasuke, Naruto started laughing.

What really got people's attention was when I mentioned stopping sasuke from killing Itachi and doing ok something else. The something else was running away from the village. Adrienne elbowed me in the ribs for that one.

"What's the something else?" Kakashi asked me.


"Hotaru. Tell me what it is." Kakashi demanded.

"Um, I really don't think that's necessary." I hope he'll believe that.

"Fine." He said. I could tell he still really wanted to know though.

Now it was Adrienne's turn.

"I like itachi, books, ramen, and music. I don't like sasuke, sasuke's goals, and sasuke's entourage." She started. "My dreams are to create a band, save itachi, and read more books. My hobbies are reading, playing music, and being a ninja."

Sakura snarled again at the not liking sasuke part. Sasuke just acted like the whole thing was below him. He'll regret that later.

Now Maria.

"I like my little pony, anime, person, and lots of other stuff. I don't like sasuke, 'normal' people, and people who claim to be something they're not."
She earned a glare from sakura on the part about sasuke. "My dreams are to become a ninja, help pandas, and befriend Hinata. My hobbies are drawing, ninja training, and reading."

Now there was only one person left. Jiraiya.

"I like..." he laughed maniacally. "I don't like... I don't know. My hobbies..." more laughter. "And my dreams..." even more laughter.

"YOU PERVERT!!!" I screamed.
Kakashi glared at me.

"Don't address a sanin like that." He said.

"Forgive me." I started. "Next time, I'll worship orochimaru. He is a legendary sanin after all."

"How do you know about him?" Kakashi asked.

"Oh, and while I'm at it," I continued. "Next time I see tsunade I'll kiss her feet even though she'll be gambling and drunk."

Jiraiya's mouth fell open at the mention of Tsunade. "H-how do you..."

"I already told you."

"That doesn't mean you can disrespect jiraiya though." Kakashi told me. "He's your elder and superior."

"I'll respect him once he's stronger than me." That was probably stepping over the line, but I was still kinda upset about the jiraiya thing earlier.

"Yeah sure." Sasuke said. "You're just a stupid Uchiha wanna be."

"OH YEAH!!!" I screamed. "THEN WHY CAN I DO THIS AND YOU CAN'T?!?" I activated my sharingan making it as powerful as possible. I stared at sasuke and caught him in my genjutsu.

He started screaming in agony. I could hear everyone screaming at me to stop, but I didn't listen.

"He killed Itachi" was all I could think. "He killed Itachi and now he will pay." I said, aloud this time.

Adrienne then jumped in front of me, her rinnegan activated.

"STOP!!!!" She screamed. "HE HASNT DONE ANYTHING YET!!!!" It was a dreadful excuse that I normally wouldn't accept, but this time I did listen.

I released my genjutsu and deactivated my sharingan. I looked at sasuke and started crying. Not only had I caused him mental pain, but somehow my genjutsu had cause physical damage to him.

I crawled over to him and started to use medical jutsu in an attempt to heal him. I was able to get rid of all his major wounds, but I left some minor cuts and scratches just to remind him that I'm better than him.

"What did I do?" I asked looking up at Kakashi, jiraiya, Adrienne, and Maria.
It was Kakashi that responded first.

"You got angry at sasuke, and activated your sharingan. It quickly turned into a rinnegan, so your genjutsu then became to powerful for his body to withstand, and it started collapsing."

"Fortunately enough for all of us," Jiraiya continued. "Your friend over there also has a rinegan the no one told us about, and she was able to cancel out your genjutsu before you killed us all."

"I'm sorry." I said. That probably didn't help anything. "I just... Jiraiya, and Minato, and Itachi, and obito... I can't take it." I curled myself into a ball and put my head in my hands. I started crying. Again. Again.

After a little while of sitting there, I felt someone come over and sit next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Kakashi sitting there. He put his arm around me and I leaned against him.

"Eventually it gets better." Kakashi said. "It did for me."

I remained silent and sat there for a little while longer until Kakashi finally stood up and explained what we were doing tomorrow. I did pay attention just incase it changed at all since there was more people.

Overall it was the same thing, just with more people. Jiraiya was apparently going to sit out so that it would be easier for us. Like it would have been hard anyway.

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