Lightning strike

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Notice: I do not own any of the content in this story.

"ADRIENNE" I screamed at my friend from my seat behind her in math class. The teacher gave me a dirty look since other people were still supposedly testing. I don't see how they were able to spend so much time on a test. Its freaking seventh grade math. It doesnt get much easier. The test freaking on basic equations. We did these last year.

"Sorry." I mumbled to the teacher, not really feeling sorry. Plenty other people were talking. "Adrienne!!!" i whisper-shouted. I swear, someday she's gonna drive me insane. It's not that hard to respond to someone when they call you.

"WHAT?" she screamed back, her face still stuck in a book. The teacher have her a dirty look as well and grunted a little. She didn't seem to notice over her reading. Someday she'll learn that there are other things to do besides read.

"Would you put the book down already and pay attention!" She is so hard to work with some times. Other times you can get her to put her book down. Most of the time though I swear you could tell her the buildings on fire and she wouldn't move an inch.

"What's so important that you're making me stop reading in the middle of the chapter?" She asked as she put down her book. She made a very exasperated-looking face that made me laugh a little too loudly.

"I recognize that you're the best in the class, lily," The math teacher said, making the one kid who thinks he's better than me grunt, "But if you don't keep it down I'm going to have to separate you and Adrienne.

"Sorry." I said shyly. "It won't happen again."

"Now, what were we taking about?" I asked Adrienne.

"You thought that something was so important that it was worth me putting my book down." She said, annoyed.

"Ah, yes, right." I smiled wildly. "We need to discuss what we're going to do after school today."

"Can't this wait until later" she groaned. "It just got to the good part! Maxon and America were about to-"

"Don't care. Me and Maria already know exactly what we're doing and it would just be annoying to have to go over it again. You know I'm too lazy for that." I added the last part just for good measure.

After school, Adrienne, Maria, and I are going to head over to my house after school and do some cosplay. Me and Maria had planned it all out for months and knew exactly what we were going to do.

"Can't we just make it a surprise for me?" Adrienne begged.

"FINE" I groaned.

Adrienne picked her book back up and started reading again. After she was halfway through her page, I interrupted her again.

"You have to at least play chopsticks with me."

Adrienne really doesn't like playing chopsticks when she's trying to read.

"UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH" Adrienne groaned. "So, what are our plans?"

"Yay!" I exclaimed as I proceeded to tell her what we were going to do.


I skipped happily as I left the school after going to the band room to get my violin. (Yes ye band room, we have one room for band and orchestra and that's where I keep my violin. Get over yourselves.) I started heading to the big tree where we had all agreed to meet.

It was spring, so the tree was covered in beautiful pink flowers. I picked one up and placed it my blond hair that hung loosely around my shoulders. I then proceeded to fantasize about the day when I would be rich and vacationing in the Bahamas on a tropical beach.

As I approached the tree, I saw Adrienne had already there. She too had placed a flower in her long, dark brown hair that fell to her waist. Her flower was blue, however, so it must have come from the tree right next to the entrance to the school.

I ran up from behind her. "ADRIENNE SENPAI!!!" I screamed as I jumped on her back "YOU REMEMBERED!!!!!"

"Would you get off me?" She growled as she pushed me off. "Of course I remembered. You made quite the point in math class to remind me of our plans."

I smiled childishly. "Oopsies!" I said in a baby voice.

One of her other friends came over and started talking to her. I didn't really understand anything they were saying since it was all about black butler and k-pop or whatever, so I just stood there very awkwardly and went to have a conversation with the stump of the tree.

After a while, her friend went in for a hug. I decided that this would be my chance to buy into their conversation. I jumped in front of Adrienne.

"MY SENPAI!" I growled, at the girl. She made the dumb deduction of not giving up right then and there. After a few minutes of trying to fight me the girl finally left. Thank god.

Me and Adrianne talked for a few minutes before Maria came.

"What did I miss?" She asked us.

"We were just talking about the person you like." I taunted. Maria gets shy whenever you talk about him. "I was debating what would happen if he ever touched you."

"I said you would turn bright red" Adrienne commented.

"I personally believe you would faint." I added.

"Well then, let's get moving!" Maria declared in an attempt to change the topic. "The sky looks a little cloudy. We wouldn't want to get caught in the rain."

"There's no rain in the forecast silly." I said. "We've got time."

"Okay..." Maria said reluctantly. "I still think it's gonna rain."

"Trust me." I told her. "If it rains, I'll change my name to hotaru and kiss Sasuke."

Adrienne and Maria both gasped.

"You wouldn't!" Adrienne exclaimed shocked. "Not the monster who killed Itachi!!!"

"You know I would never do that." I laughed. "That's just how sure I am it's not gonna rain."

Right at that moment I felt a drop of water land on my head. "Fudge" I thought to myself. "I really don't want to kiss Sasuke. I'm fine with being called Hotaru though."

"Um, Lily?" Adrienne asked.


"You know, we're not gonna force you to kiss sasuke"

"Oh, thank god. I'd rather die than kiss that good for nothing duck butt." Yes, I just said duck butt. I mean have you seen his hair!!! What the heck!!!! Itachi though, I love Itachi.

Deidara is my favorite akatsuki member though. If I were in Naruto there would be a large possibility that I would go and join the akatsuki. Or at least spy on them.

I would also spend hours on end at ichiraku...

"LILY!!!!" Adrienne screamed.

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!?" I screamed back at her.


"Huh?" I looked up at the sky and so that it had indeed gotten very stormy. I should probably start hurrying.

"RUN!!!!" Maria screamed.

We all ran as fast as we could to my house, but no matter how hard we tried, my house only seemed to get further and further away.

After a few minutes of running, I finally gave up and sat down on the ground.


The last thing I can remember after that is that there was a large flash of light. After that, everything went black.

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