Time travel

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When I woke up, I found myself lying in a strange bed. I looked next to me and saw Kakashi lying next to me. Naruto, sakura, sasuke, and Maria were trying to pull off Kakashi's mask. Adrienne was sitting in a corner reading a book since she already knew what was under his mask.

His mask... oh no.

"GET OFF HIM!!!!" I screamed at them. They jumped, startled that I was awake.

"We're just trying to find out what's under his mask." Naruto pouted. I decided to go back and finish viewing the memory that I couldn't finish before.

Kakashi stood behind a pillar in the room while his father stood there crying. Kakashi ran to his father in an attempt to comfort him.

White fang brushed off his efforts and drew his blade. Kakashi screamed watching as his father put the blade up to his chest.

Out of fear for his father, Kakashi grabbed the blade and but it to his own chest. "If you die, I die too." Kakashi said to his father.

White fang was terrified of what his precious child was going to do to himself. He tried to knock the blade out of Kakashi's hands, but ended up putting a large gash through the bottom of Kakashi's face. Kakashi fainted.

Seeing what he did to his son, white fang took the blade and stabbed it through his own heart.

I tore out of Kakashi's head.

"Why are you crying?" Sakura asked.

"Leave." I demanded everyone but Adrienne. She already knew what was going to happen, so why bother.

"Um, lily?" Adrienne said, looking over the edge of her book.


"Well, I was wondering if you could use your omnipotence to make it so that I have to emit chakra out of my fingertips to know things?" she asked. "It is really annoying to have everything spoiled for me."

"Sure." I completed her wish. "If you would leave now..."

She got up and left. Once I was sure she was gone, I woke up Kakashi.

"Hmm?" he asked tiredly. His face became sad upon seeing me. "Never do that again. I don't want you to die for me."

"I knew I wasn't going to die."

"Why are you crying?" he asked noticing the tears in my eyes. "There's no need to cry over saving me."

"I... I just... well..."

"What did you do this time?"

"They were trying to get your mask off, so I decided to finish viewing the memory that I watched at training and..."

He cut me off before I could finish. "I was hoping you would find out."


He walk/crawled over to me and put his arms around me. I felt a tear fall off his cheek onto my shoulder. I curled up into a ball in his arms.

After a few minutes of sitting like that crying, all the others came back into the room again.

"See, told you." Naruto said. "They're both crying. As always." My cheeks went red.

"I swear," sakura began. "Someday we'll leave the two of you alone together and you'll end up happy."

I laughed. "Someday..."

"So..." Naruto said breaking the awkward silence. "What now?"

"Well," Kakashi said. "Tomorrow after breakfast we start training."

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