Tacos and Talking

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I walked back to the Arena and sat down with my friends. The proctor was giving us our instructions and pairings for the third task.

I ended paired with Adrienne again. Maria was with Sam. Emily and Kara were paired together.

"Who are you guys going to train with?" I asked them. "I'm going to go with jiraiya."

"I'm going with Neji and my dad." Maria said. I guess she does have a dad here.

"I'll go with my dad as well." Sam said. The two of them are the only ones who have parents here.

"I'm going with Sasuke." Emily said.

"Gai." Kara said.

"How 'bout you Adrienne?" I asked.

"I suppose I'll come with you." She said.


We all went back to our house for a while. I spent most of my time reading comic books in a hammock I had built in the middle of the living room. I only left when it was time for dinner.

Emily had made us tacos. I invited everyone else from team seven to come along.

Naruto showed up first and sat on the sofa. "Hi guys." He said. "Whats up?"

"Making tacos." Emily replied.

"Hush, I'm reading." Adrienne said.

"You're stupid." Maria said.

"And annoying." I added

"They're just joking." Emily said. "They love you."

"Only as a friend." I said.

"Yup." Maria agreed.

"You guys are weird." Naruto said.

"No kidding." Sam commented.

"Shut up, I'm trying to finish reading Naruto." Kara said. "I'm on chapter 689."

"What do you mean you're reading naruto?" naruto asked.

Kara looked up from her phone. "Nothing." She said as she jammed her phone into her pocket.

Thankfully Sasuke came in and saved us from having to answer Naruto's questions. He leaned against the wall and tried to act cool. "Hn," he said.

"What's up bro?" I asked him.

"Don't call me bro." He glared at me. "I'm not your brother."

"No, you're my twin." I said.

"Oh, right." He said.

"I'm gonna kill him." Maria said.

"DON'T DO THAT!" Emily exclaimed.

"Still reading." Adrienne said annoyed.

"Are the tacos done yet?" Sam asked.

"No." Emily responded.

"I'll help with the tacos." Kara said as she walked into the kitchen with Emily.

Then Sakura came in with Ino following her.

"Is Sam here?" Ino asked with hearts in her eyes.

"Eww." Sam said.

"SASUKE-KUN!!!!" Sakura screamed with major hearts in her eyes. She ran over to him and started annoying him.

Ino went over to Sam and started to attempt flirting with him. Sam sighed and looked at Maria. Maria laughed a little and smiled.

"So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Ino asked.

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