Kakashi's Mask

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The next morning I ate breakfast. I'm not planning on starving myself. I know that Kakashi told us not to eat or else we'll puke, but I've been able to eat a full meal then win a swimming race, so I don't think I'll have any problems.

We all took showers before leaving to the training grounds since we knew that Kakashi would be late anyway.

We arrived to the training grounds a tad late, but still faster than Kakashi. sakura was about to comment on our lateness, but I stopped her before she could say anything.

"Look saskura, we're still here before kakashi, so don't complain." I said. "Now, I've got something I have to do before we start."

I'm planning on going to the KIA stone to see Kakashi. I left before anyone had a chance to say anything.

When I got there, I saw Kakashi standing there crying as he looked at all of his friends' names. I walked over and stood next to him, looking at the names. Before I knew I was crying too.

"It really doesn't get much better." Kakashi said. "You only get better at hiding it."

I went over to him and leaned against him, putting my head on his shoulder. He put his head on top of mine. "We should probably get going." He said.

"Yeah." I agreed. We walked silently over to the training grounds.

"Where were you guys?" Naruto asked us once we got there. "And why do you look so depressed?" We just ignored his question.

Kakashi started explaining what we were gonna do, but I didn't really listen.

"Where did you go?" Maria asked me.
"KIA stone." I replied.

"Ah." Adrienne said. "That would explain the depression."

"Yeah..." I said.

"You really shouldn't be going there." Maria said.

"I know, but... it's just..." I said.

"You like knowing that they were once here." Adrienne supplied.

"Yeah." I said.

By that time, Kakashi had already finished giving instructions, and Naruto had charged at him.

"GOO!!!!" Kakashi screamed.
Adrienne, maria, and I jumped behind a bush and started planning what we would do to attack him and show our team work. In the end we devised a very good plan.

We waited for Kakashi to finish with naruto, sakura, and sasuke. When he was finally finished, Maria jumped out alone and activated her byakugan. Kakashi had gone back to reading his book.

"Worst mistake you'll ever make." She told him.

"I can take you alone while reading." He said. "You're not all that special."

She managed to land about twenty four hits before Kakashi used his kamui and transported himself out of there.

At that point, Maria stepped out of the area, allowing Adrienne to take her spot. She didn't activate her rinnegan, but instead she created a thick fog so that Kakashi couldn't see.

She continued to attack Kakashi with different taijutsus, including the "naruto uzumaki barrage". She of course didn't say the name of that one out loud since naruto hadn't invented it yet.

After she had had her fair share of knocking him about, it was my turn. I entered the field and stared straight at him. He raised his guard, but didn't reveal his sharingan.

"Wow." I said. "I feel insulted."

"Why's that?" he asked.

"Well, apparently I'm not good enough for your sharingan."

He looked shocked again at the mention of something I shouldn't know, but decided to just shrug it off.

"Alright then." He said as he activated his sharingan. He didn't use the Mangekyo Sharingan though.

I activated my Mangekyo, making sure it didn't turn into a rinnegan. I didn't want to hurt him to bad.

Kakashi was clearly trying to avoid my gaze, but I was too good for him.

Activating my rinnegan, I was able to catch him in my genjutsu. I knew that it would be risky, but I would be able to do it.

After he fainted under the pressure of my genjutsu, I called Maria and Adrienne over to me.

"Okay, Maria, you put your hand on the bell. Adrienne, you hold the string taught so that I can cut it." We proceeded to use that method for the first two bells, but then Kakashi started waking up.

To make sure that he wouldn't interfere with our teamwork, I knocked him out with one punch. We then cut our final bell.

"Okay," I said. "We've gotten our last bell, and the timer just went of, so I should probably heal Kakashi now. You two go make sure Naruto doesn't eat anything."

I examined Kakashi with my rinnegan for wounds and found a few broken bones and a decent amount of scrapes.
One wound was very unexpected though. Underneath his mask was a large scrape, but it wasn't new. I would guess that it had been there for about twenty years.

I put my hand over my mouth as I realized what that scar was. To figure out exactly how he got it though, i uses a ninjutsu that allowed me to examine his past.

I saw him as a young child, trying to stop his father from killing himself. I watched as his father yelled at him, but when he wouldn't back down, the white fang picked up his knife and-

I pulled myself out of Kakashi's head, not wanting to see the rest.

I quickly healed all of his wounds, minus the scar, and gave him some of my chakra so that he would regain consciousness.

"Thank you!" he said happily as he sat up. Upon seeing my face, however, a look of concern swept over him.

"What happened?" he asked me.

"Y-your face." I stuttered

"What about it?" he asked confused.
I drew a line along my face, tracing where his scar was with my finger. Realization struck him.

"How do you...?" He asked "Did you find out how?"

"I-I was examining your wounds with my rinnegan, and I saw the scar." I said. "I was curious how you got it so... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've always wished there was someone who knew about." He said calmly. "Now there is."

"Oh, Kakashi!" I exclaimed, throwing my selves into his arms and sobbing.

"It's okay." He said to me, putting his arms around me. "Now, I should probably go tell Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke what's going to happen.

For the second time that day we walked together to where our teammates waited.

"Why is it," sakura asked. "That whenever we leave you two alone together you always come out crying?"

I hadn't realized that I was crying until she said that. I laughed quietly and sat down, waiting for Kakashi to tell us what would happen next.

I'm sasuke's WHAT?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon