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So, here's the thing, I don't use watt pad anymore. I don't follow Naruto. I know that the person that Sam is based off of would never date the person that
Maria is based off of. I know a hell of a lot more about the person that Sam is based off of and so now I know that Sam isn't really based off of him at all. Sam is based off of this idea of a boy that sat in all of my classes that I kinda liked but didn't know and didn't talk to. Now I know him. So I can't write him anymore.

I've ended my anime phase. I'm completely done with. I watch supernatural. I watch flash. I watch arrow. And I could never go back to anime. I can't write this story because it's not true to myself. Even when I wrote this story, it was hardly true to myself. I tried so hard to make people like it. To get people to read it. I wasn't doing it for me, so much as for popularity in the strangest sense of the word.

It got to a point where I would update once a month, and then once every few months, and then maybe once every six months. And I had completely forgotten what the show was about and what happened.

I'm terribly sorry if you liked the story. If you really want a brief synopsis of what was to come, you can message me and I'll try to tell you what I had already planned out for it that I can remember. Which will be hard because I don't really remember the majority of the characters names. I'll leave the story up on watt pad if people want to keep reading, but I'm not writing anymore. Below this is everything that I had written for chapter thirty-two before I just stopped. You can read that if you want.

I woke up on the day of the third task and instantly knew. This was not my day. I rolled out of bed lazily and hit the floor with a thud.

"Ow," I groaned. "I hate mornings.

"What was that sound?" Kara called from her room. "Did you die?"

"Yup, I'm dead!" I called back sarcastically. "Thanks for your concern."

"Who died?" Adrienne asked.

I stood up and walked out of my room. "It was me."

"Makes sense." She commented.

"What do you mean it makes sense?" I ask defensively.

"I don't know." She states. "I'm tired."

"Same." I yawn. "You ready to get your ass kicked today?"

"I'm pretty sure I'll being doing the ass kicking." Adrienne laughed. "What are we going to do for it since people aren't supposed to know how powerful we are?"

"We could play Rock Paper Scissors." I suggest. Adrienne laughed. "I'm being serious."

"Sounds like a plan."

I went back into my room and began to get ready for the day. I didn't want wear my normal clothes since it was the third task, so instead I decided to a kilt and a poncho. I put my hair into three lopsided pigtails and decided to put on some bright blue eyeshadow. For shoes, I wore penguin slippers.

I went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table, grabbing a bowl of cereal along the way. All of my friends were staring at me, and for good reason. "I felt like it." I explained and they all shrugged.

"Good morning." Sam said as he walked into the kitchen and began to cook himself a pancake. "Are you already for the- holy shit Lily what the hell happened to your face?"

"Your mom." I answered sarcastically.

He looked questioningly at Adrienne.

"Who knows." She sighed. "Looks like lily is going to be sarcastic for the day."

I continued eating my breakfast and ignoring everyone else until we had to leave. I was feeling rather lazy, so I ended up walking very slowly to the arena. I still managed to get there in time to hear everyone complaining about Sasuke not being here yet.

Everyone started staring at me when I arrived. At first I was confused, then I remember that I was wearing a kilt and a poncho. A bunch of people kept asking me why I was wearing such unusual clothes, but I ignored them and instead walked over to Gaara.

"Lovely morning, isn't it." I commented.

"Stop talking to me or I'll kill you." He snapped back. "And what the heck are you wearing?"

"No thanks." I smiled giddily. "I don't feel like it."

Gaara got visibly frustrated. "I would leave him alone if I were you." Kankuro stated. "He will do it."

"I don't doubt that he'll try." I  said dully. "He just wouldn't be able to succeed."

Gaara looked at me as if I were insane. "You're the worst ninja here. I'm the best. What makes you think that you would be able to beat me?"

I activated my rinnegan but made sure that he was the only one who could see it. I then entered inside of his head so that no one else could hear me.

"I think that I could beat you because I'm the most powerful one here and the only reason that anyone thinks otherwise is because I manipulated their thoughts because I got bored of being the best." I smirk. "You could try to kill me, but I can manipulate your sand as well, so I would recommend not trying."

I drop my rinnegan and smile at him. "Good luck in the competition!" I exclaim.

He stares at me with a look of fear and complete disbelief in his eyes. "How did you-"

I cut him off. "I don't want to be enemies with you, Gaara, I want to be friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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