Emily Namikaze

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Emily was pretty much the same in this world as she was in our world. She has long blonde hair. One difference was that her eyes had turned blue. In our world they had been.

She was about 5'2". She appeared to be slightly stronger in this world than in ours. Her face was slightly childish, along with the rest of her. Kind of like Hinata.

She stood up slowly from the ground and stumbled a little.

"Where am I?" She asked. She looked up and saw us crowding around her. "And who are you?"

"Ummm..." I said. "You're going to need to come with us."

"Why?" She seemed a little out of it.

"Because..." How do you convince someone to follow you? "We're government officials. We need to ask you for some facts about your friends that went missing a few weeks ago."

"Oh, okay." She thought for a minute. "Again?"

I didn't realize the people back on earth had been searching for us. "Yes, again."


We guided her back to our house. We would have to explain to her what was going on.

As we were walking, she seemed to come 'round a little.


Emily sat on our couch. Maria was sitting next to her. Adrienne was sitting on our coffee table, and I was leaning against the wall. We had just gotten back to our house.

"So, what do you want to know?" Emily asked us. I facepalmed. "What?"

"Okay, try to understand this." I told her. "I'm Lily. That's Adrienne, and that's Maria." I pointed at Maria and Adrienne when I said their names.

"A few weeks ago, we were walking to my house. Suddenly, a huge storm came. We were all struck by lighting.

"We all woke up here."

"Where exactly is here?" Emily asked. I'm surprised that she believed the first part.

"The Naruto world." I'd like to see if she believes that one.

"That's not funny." She said. Yup, definitely didn't believe me.

"I'll prove it to you." I told her.

I stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" Adrienne asked me.

"To see the hokage. You guys should come with me." I said to them. "By the way, am I the only one who keeps forgetting that Tsunade isn't hokage yet?"

"Yeah." The both agreed.

We walked over to the hokage building.

"You guys weren't lying, were you?" Emily asked.

"Nope." I told her.

We walked into Hiruzen's office.

"What is it?" He asked as we walked in.

"We brought another friend." Maria told him.

"Who is it this time?"

"Emily Springfield." Emily said.

"Another one from your dimension?" He asked.

"Yes!!!" Emily smiled.

"What will her cover be?"

"Hmm..." I thought. "Her name is Kazuko Namikaze." I saw Adrienne emitting the chakra from her fingertips again.

"You guessed correctly again." She told me. "Emily/Kazuko is actually Minato and Kushina's daughter. It is never really spoken of, but Kushina was shocked with fraternal twins the day the nine tails attacked. Unfortunately, tobi got the baby before anything could be done. In a last attempt to save her child, Kushina used a special jutsu that sent Kazuko to our dimension. She is also the fourth child of prophecy."

"Woah." Emily said. "That's cool. What do we do now?"

"I guess we go back to our house again and explain some more things." I told her. We'll need to explain to her where we are in the plot.


Once we got back to our house, we assumed out initial spots. Adrienne explained to her what had already happened.

"Can I join the chunin exams?" Emily asked.

"You'll need a team." I told her.

"Who will be on it?" She asked.

"I was thinking we'd use Kara and Charlie." I told her.

"Okay." She agreed.

"Maria, we'll need you to summon them."

Maria did her part and summoned Kara. However, instead of Charlie, sat Maria's crush Samuel.

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