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I flopped down onto the couch as we got in.

"I think I'm going to go swim." I said. I snapped my fingers to put a swimsuit on. "Who's with me?"

"I'll come." Sam said.

"Me too." Maria added.

We all walked down to the basement. I flopped into the pool and floated on the surface. I was about to go to sleep when Sam splashed me.

"You are dead." I screamed while glaring at him. I used a water style jutsu to create a wave that landed on him.

He glared at me and then smirked.


"Shadow possession jutsu."

I felt myself get stuck in place.

"Earth suck Justu." I said.


I made the bottom of the pool suck his feet in so that he was stuck.

"Maria!" He yelled.

"W-w-what?" She stuttered.

"Punch the ground at my feet with a chakra infused punch. It'll set me free."

"Okay." She said. She did as she was told. The bottom of the pool broke apart and Sam escaped.

I created a rasengan.

"Are you ready for some waves?" I asked.

I stuck my hand in the water which created a ton of huge waves.

"What's going on down here?" Kakashi asked as he walked down the steps. Then he got soaked.

The three of us cracked up laughing.

"What did you do to your basement?" He asked.

I looked around and saw that everything was wet and destroyed.

"I can fix that." I wave my finger around and had everything go back to where it belonged. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I came to congratulate you all on finishing." He said. "So, what are you gonna do now?"

"I believe that I shall fall into a coma until it's time for the preliminaries to begin."

"Okay then." Kakashi said. Weird plans."

"Thank you!!!" I smiled.

I walked up stairs. "Anyone else want to fall into a coma until the prelims begin?"

Sam, and Kara raised their hands.

"What about the rest of you?" I asked.

"I'm gonna train in running." Emily said.

"Same." Adrienne said.

"Me too." Maria said.

"Okay." I said. I made the three of us fall into a coma.

Maria's POV

We've been running for four days straight. Nonstop. Adrienne has made it the furthest distance. I'm second and Emiy is third. We've run around the outside of the of the village.

Presently, Adrienne has lapped me once and Emily twice. I've lapped Emily once. I'm very tired though. I want to take a break, but I know that that is wasting very valuable time. We've all agreed to rest tomorrow.

Lily's POV

We all woke up about an hour before the prelims. I threw my hair up into a pony tail and put on my ninja clothes. I ate a nice pasta meal and then walked down to the prelim arena with all my friends.

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