More prophecies.

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"MARIA!!!" I yelled. "WHAT IS SAM DOING HERE?!?!?"

"Ummmm..." she murmured. "I mssdhm"


"I said, I mssd hmm"

"Adrienne?" I asked.

"She's trying to say that she was going to summon charlie, but instead she started thinking about how she missed Sam, so now Sam is here."

I glared at Maria. "Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah..." she was turning red.

"What are we going to tell him when he wakes up?" I asked her.

"Tell who when they wake up?" Sam asked as he stood up. "And where am I."

Sam walked to the door of our house and looked outside. We live on the outside edge of the village, so you can see all of Konoha from our door. Sometimes I'll just sit there and bask in the glory of the village. Yes, I did just think that. Anyway, when Sam saw the village, you should have seen his face. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.

"Oh. My. God." He said.

'I'm sorry." Maria squealed. "I didn't mean to bring you here."

"I'm in Naruto.'' Sam said. "You brought me into freaking Naruto.''

"I'm really very sorry." Maria was almost crying now. ''I didn't mea-''

Maria's words were cut off when Sam ran over and hugged her. "Thank you so much." he said. "I've always wanted to tell you guys how much I love Naruto, but I didn't know how to do it without letting other people know.'' And then Maria fainted.

''Called it!!!'' I screamed.

''Huh?'' everyone but Adrienne said. By the way, Kara got up. I'm pretty sure that happened when Sam gave his speech. I wasn't paying attention

"We made a bet about what would happen if Sam ever touched Maria." Adrienne said. "I bet that she would go red. Lily said that she would faint."

"So that means I won!!!" I squealed as I started to run circles around our living room.

"Not quite." Adrienne said. "The bet was for what would happen if he touched Maria. Not if he hugged Maria."

"Same thing." I grumbled.

"IS NOT!!!" She screamed.

"IS TOO!!!" I screamed back.

"IS NOT!!!"

"IS TOO!!!"

"Well, while you guys are busy not noticing me," Kara said. "I'm going to go Tamaki in a corner." Whoops. Maybe I should have acknowledged her.

"Before you do that, you may want to come with us to see the hokage." I told Kara.

"I GET SO SEE TSUNADE?!?!?" Sam screamed.

"Nope." I said to him. "Sarurtobi isn't dead yet." His face fell. Perv.

"Oh well." He said sadly. "Where exactly are we in the plot?"

"Right before the chunin exams." Adrienne said.


And so we left to go to the hokage building for the second time this evening.


"What is it this time?" Hiruzen asked without looking up. "Did you bring me another person from your world?"

"Actually, no." I told him. "We brought you two."

He looked up and his face fell. "Great. Now I get to hear two more prophecies from miss know it all." Adrienne and I glared at him. "I mean, Her Highness, the second child of prophecy." Nice catch. He almost committed suicide right there. He'd have been dead before Orochimaru had a chance to even see him.

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